Chapter Thirty Three: The Mess I Made

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Adriana Rose Watson POV

"But oh, I'm staring at the mess I made, I'm staring at the mess I made, I'm staring at the mess I made, as you turn, you take your heart and walk away." - Parachute, The Mess I Made.

My heart was thumping loudly in my chest and my breathing was labored. I had tears constantly running down my cheeks and I couldn't stop sobbing. I was scared that Joel was going to do something that could end us, but I wouldn't blame him.

If I found out that he's been lying to me about his family, his life, I wouldn't be every forgiving either. But I loved this man, I wanted nothing more for him to just forgive me and move on. But that was asking too much of him.

Thankfully, my parents hadn't followed me home. But my brothers, sisters and friends had.

I was happy that I had them around me to tell me that it was all going to be okay, but it wasn't. I could just feel that it wasn't going to be okay. Joel and I were not going to be okay.

"Hey Addie, do you want something to eat or drink?" Dane asked me. I gently shook my head and continued to stare at the TV. Luckily no news reporters had found out about any of this, yet. As soon as the story was out, TV reporters and paparazzi will be flocking at the front door.

"Are you going to be okay?" Nicole asked me as the others went to bed. I nodded my head in a reply and continued to stare at the TV.

"If you need me, Rose, just come get me." Nicole said as she wrapped me up in a hug. Tears welled in my eyes and I hugged my best friend back.

"Do you think he will ever forgive me?" I muttered into her neck as the tears escaped my eyes.

"He loves you. He's probably angry at you, and at himself. He probably won't forgive you straight away, but eventually, he will overcome that because he loves you. He loves you so much, Rose." Nicole said to me. I chuckled slightly and swiped my fingers under and on my cheeks, getting rid of the tears.

"I love you, Nicci." I said to her with a small, sad smile.

"I love you too Rose, always."


Joel didn't come home that night. I stayed up the whole night, staring at the door, then the TV, then back to the door. I was waiting for him to enter the house, drunk and disheveled. He would tell me that he slept with a other girls and that he doesn't want me. But no matter how much his words would hurt me, I would forgive him over and over. Then when he's finally done with his rant about how much he hates me, I would apologize over and over and tell him how much I love him.

But that didn't happen. And it won't happen.

Because when he walked through the doors in the morning, he wasn't drunk. His clothes were crinkled and his hair was slightly messy, but he wasn't drunk. He didn't look like himself at all. He had light bags under his eyes, which were red rimmed and dull, he was slouching slightly and he wore a deep frown.

He entered without a word and stood there, staring at me with sadness.

"Why would you do this to us?" Joel asked with a small voice. My heart broke and I wanted nothing more than to bring him into my arms.

"Joel, I swear I was going to tell you. I just-." I stopped myself from speaking, because I didn't have a proper excuse.

"You just what, Adriana? You lied to me about everything, your whole fucking life was a lie." Joel shouted at me in fury. I was about to speak, at least somehow defend myself but I stopped myself. He needed to tell me this, he needed to get it all out.

"I loved you. So fucking much." Joel shouted again. I just stood there, slightly shaking. I watched as Joel shook his head at me and stomped past me, careful not to touch me.

I followed him up the stairs and watched him walk into our room. I followed him in panic and rushed in behind him and watching him pack up everything of his.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked with a slight stutter. Joel took one glance at me and continued to grab some shirts and pants.

"I'm leaving." Joel stated. My heart ripped in two and I ran over to Joel and grabbed his arm to stop him, but he only shrugged me off. I gripped my hair and let out a frustrated scream.

"You said you would never leave me." I screamed at him, frustrated with myself and him.

"I didn't think you'd give me a fucking reason to." Joel shouted back at me. Tears gushed down my cheeks and I breathed in deeply only to let out a chocked sob.

"I love you Joel, please just stay with me. We can work this out, we love each other." I said desperately with a cracked voice. Joel slammed his hand into our dresser and I jumped in shock.

"No, I love a girl called Rose Anderson and that's not you. I don't love you, I never will. I want you out of my life and I never want to see you again." He sneered at me as he finished packing. My breaths came out in short, sharp pants.

I watched as he walked past me, slightly bumping me. I didn't run after him, instead I fell to my knees and let out another chocked sob.

The pain in my chest grew as I realised the mess I had made and the tears wouldn't stop. The pain I was feeling overcame my whole body and I started screaming out painfully. I felt multiple arms wrap around me and bring me to a chest.

"He left me. He left me. He doesn't love me." I screamed out over and over.

What seemed like hours later, I stopped screaming, I stopped crying and sobbing, and the painful ache in my chest left me as I felt nothing but loss.

"He's gone."


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