Chapter Thirty One: Little Things

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Adriana Rose Watson POV

"I won't let these little things, slip out of my mouth, but if I do, it's you, oh it's you, they add up to, I'm in love with you, and all these little things." One Direction, Little Things.

I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache and I was alone. My throat was sore, probably from the screaming last night.

I felt around the bed for Joel, but all my hand met was coldness and pillows. I frowned. I couldn't hear the water running, so I knew he wasn't in the shower and I couldn't hear him downstairs, so he wasn't even in the house. I didn't mind Joel not being here, it gave time for myself. Which I don't really get anymore. Actually, I've never really had time for myself.

I got out of bed and chucked on one of his jumpers before making my way down the stairs and into the kitchen.

The sight of the kitchen, including the lounge room and dining room, amazed me. There were petals covering every counter top, every corner of the rooms. There were different colors; red, white, pink and yellow. And they were everywhere.

I smiled happily as I saw a small piece of paper around the petals, it was placed on the table against a box of chocolates, which was also surrounded by petals.

'I'll see you at seven tonight, wear something nice. I love you.' It read.

I smiled gleefully and started squealing excitedly as I searched for my phone.

"I need your help, now." I ordered into the phone with another excited squeal.

Joel Brooks POV

I looked over at my phone as a text message came through.


It was from Rose, obviously. I smiled at her response before sending a quick text back.

I knew it was a great idea to have a date tonight, because we haven't gone on one in a while. Of course, I got a lot of help from a few friends and a few of hers. No doubt I had no idea what I'm doing when it comes to dates.

I knew, that tonight, would be one of the best night's ever.

Adriana Rose Watson POV

I was overly happy when Nicole responded straight away. A few minutes later, she was pulling into the drive way, not even bothering to stop the car. She ran inside, grabbed my hand, phone and purse and hauled our asses out.

Some how in those two minutes, I had managed to get dressed and make myself look some what decent.

I was shocked when I was pushed inside the car. After I got over what just happened, I looked over to Nicole who was driving like a maniac.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked. Nicole looked at me in the corner of her eyes but quickly focused back on the road.

"You're not going to be ready in time." Nicole stated with a shrug. I looked over at the clock that read eleven thirty.

"Nicole, it's only eleven thirty. What could we possibly do in seven and a half hours?" I asked as I turned to face her.

All she did was look at me with this evil glint in her eyes. What have I gotten myself into?

-7 hours later-

This had to be the worst thing I've ever done in my life. I spent hours upon hours at the local mall, looking for the 'perfect dress' as Nicole likes to put it. Thankfully we found a 'perfect' dress. It was a white strapless dress with a thick piece of satin going around the dress, making it look like a belt. There were pieces of material that resembled leaves that connected to the belt and went across one side of the dress.

It was a truly and utterly beautiful dress.

We then got both of our nails done, I had a while gel nail with a cute black design that matched the dress.

When we got home, I was pushed into the bathroom and told to wash and shave, I nearly vomited but complied. After the shower, she dried then curled my hair.

As she was curling my hair, Hayley came over with this bag full of shit. When I mean shit, I mean makeup. Now after years and years of wearing this caked on, you would think I would be used to it. But I'm honestly not.

I waited patiently as Nicole finished my hair and Hayley doing my makeup. Half an hour I was told I could look and bloody hell was I amazed.

I looked nothing like myself. At all.

My curls were brushed out, making them look more like waves, they were also pinned to one side. And my makeup was done to perfection. It looked like I barely had anything on. I had mascara on, with a winged eyeliner, a little bit of blush across my cheekbones, concealer covering my blemishes and light pink lipstick on.

I felt beautiful.

"Oh god Rose, you look gorgeous." Nicole said with a stunned expression. I turned around and tightly embraced my two best friends.

"I love you guys so, so much." I said as my eyes welled with tears. Nicole chuckled and Hayley warned me that I better not ruin her masterpiece.

"You're going to have every draw dropping tonight." Hayley said as she stared me.

"Whatever happens, I will always love you two." I said as I embraced them again.


Joel picked me up at seven sharp and to say he was surprised was a understatement. He stood there for at least five minutes, staring at me with his eyes wide and jaw dropped.

Much to the girls humor, they were taping him the whole time.

I wasn't the only one surprised, Joel looked absolutely delicious in his black suit.

I knew that after tonight, we wouldn't be able to take our hands off of each other.

Joel Brooks POV

When I saw her tonight, I was awestruck. She looked like an angel. Her hair was brushed to one side, eyes bright and looked bigger then usual. Her long, slightly tanned legs looked even longer thanks to the heels she wore and her dress accentuated her curves.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of the beauty throughout the whole night. I noticed just how bright her eyes were and small flecks of blue and gold throughout the iris.

I watched as she laughed at some lame joke I would say and how her eyes slightly crinkled and laughing lines making themselves present on either side.

Or how she would carefully chew her food before swallowing then taking a small sip of water.

And just how perfectly her hand fit with mine. Her small, slender fingers interlocked with my long ones.

It seems like I just realised how perfect she really was. She was perfect for me.

"I love you, Rose. I know I've said it a thousand times, but I utterly mean it. I love everything about you, the way your hand fits in mine, or how you eyes brighten and crinkle when you laugh and smile. And the way you eat, everything. I love everything about you, from the last hair on your pretty head to your toes." I said with a large breath at the end.

"My god you're such a sap," Rose laughed "But god, I love you so much." Rose uttered as she pressed her lips to mine.


This chapter was a bit boring, basically just a filler :/

Still guys, tell me what you think! And what you think will happen! Who else is still gutted about Zayn leaving, I know I am :/

Vote, comment and fan xxx

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