Chapter Thirty Six: This Love

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Adriana Rose Watson POV

"This love left a permanent mark, this love is glowing in the dark, these hands had to let it go free, and this love came back to me." – Taylor Swift, This Love.

The piece of paper staring at me had two words scribbled on them, Dear Joel. I knew exactly what I wanted to say, but I didn't know how to get the words flowing in my head onto the white, lined piece of paper.

I sat there helplessly in my desk chair, staring out the window that had held a great interest to me in the past couple of days. I needed some sort of inspiration; something to get me going and I knew exactly what I needed; where I needed to go.


Dear Joel,

There are plenty of things I want to tell you, some you absolutely need to know. I don't exactly know if any of this will make sense to you, but I need to let you know. I need to make the wrongs right.

I spent hours sitting by the beach; our little spot. The water was clear and calm; the tall, green trees swayed with the gentle wind. It was so serene out here and it took my breath away every time.

Around seven thirty, the tide started to come in and it started getting colder. I didn't want to go home, I'd rather stay out here writing about my emotions for Joel, the things he needed to know about and what he already knew.

I packed my stuff up; the endless pieces of paper that had words scribbled on them and drawings of Joel and our spot. The water had just reached my ankles and I took another few minutes to take in the feeling; the feeling of sand in between my toes, ankle deep in the calming water and the way my hair started to blow in the wind.

With one last glance, I left the beach and climbed back up the ladder and made the five-minute journey back to my car. As I was driving home, I found myself smiling and singing along to my favorite songs on the radio.

It didn't take too long to get back home, and when I did I immediately wished I stayed back at the beach.

Joel Brooks POV

I woke up with a pounding headache, aching ribs and an even more painful nose. I looked beside me and was thankful to see that there wasn't a naked girl beside me, I would hate myself for doing that to Rose.

But what I wasn't thankful to see was Adam sitting in a chair next to me, along with Hayley and Kent who both wore disapproving looks.

"What were you thinking?" Hayley said with a worried look a Mother would give her child.

"I didn't mean to." I replied as I rubbed my hand down my face and instantly regretted it, my cheek started to sting and I knew I must have had a cut there from last night.

"God Joel, where you trying to get yourself killed." Kent asked rhetorically. I looked at him for a couple of seconds before directing my gaze towards Hayley and Adam.

"Look Joel, I know you're hurting right now-" Hayley started but I rudely cut her off.

"You have no idea what it feels like to find out the girl you're in love with is marrying some other loser." I said with a slight glare at the end.

"So yeah, I'm hurting and I'm fucking pissed off, but is that not okay? Is it not okay that I want to forget everything for just a couple of hours, to forget what it felt like when I was with her? It's perfectly fucking normal."

The three of them looked at me in pity, before sharing a glance with each other and leaving the room. I sighed before gently closing my eyes.


I woke up again around the evening when there was multiple banging against the front door. I guess both Hayley and Kent aren't here anymore so I was left to get up and open the door, but when I did I was shocked.

He was tall, probably as tall as me or even taller, he was nicely built with a strong jawline and nose, bright blue eyes and thin pink lips. He was rather lanky, but had enough muscle to show he worked out.

The guy standing in front of me resembled Rose too much, enough for me to know it was her brother.

"I'm Kaiden and I'm here to talk to you about my sister." He said with a friendly smile that looked like Rose's enough that it made me miss her a lot more.

I opened the door wider with a small nod and let him into the home. He took a few minutes to get used to his surroundings before he began to speak.

"I want you, no need you to know that Adriana does love you." It took me a few seconds to remember Rose's real name was Adriana and I felt stupid for not addressing her as her real name.

"I don't care." I said in a bored tone, when in fact that was all I ever wanted to hear.

"I know you're lying because you wouldn't of let me into your home if you didn't want to hear what I had to say." He said with a smug look. I found myself laughing; they were too much alike too.

"There's no point in caring anymore Kaiden, she's marrying somebody else." I replied with a shrug of my shoulders. I saw him look at me uneasily, but he continued on.

"I know my sister and my parents, she loves you and only you. She wouldn't still be here, she wouldn't be moping around the house, looking depressed if she didn't Joel." He said with a small and sad smile. My hope sparked and my sadness heightened. Was she really that bad?

"Give her a chance." He said after I didn't reply. He walked past me and gave me a manly handshake before letting himself out.

I smiled brightly before I rushed towards my room and shower.


I found myself on the porch I knew all too well. I could hear the faint noise of the TV inside and multiple voices, but they were only faint.

I knocked on the door three times, praying that it would be Rose to open the door, but instead I got stuck with her Mother and Father. Her Father, whom didn't look impressed to see me, but her Mother lit up at the sight of me.

"You need to leave." His voice was strong and powerful and intimidated me. But I was here to fight for my love for Rose, not to be scared of some man.

"I'm not leaving until I talk to Adriana." My voice came out steady and smooth.

"She's out seeing her fiancé."


"I don't care, let me wait in her room." I tried to walk past him but he immediately pushed me back.

"You will never step foot in my daughters bedroom." He yelled at me.

"I've slept in that fucking room, I don't need your permission." I said to him angrily. I saw his eyes go wide and then he clenched his fist.

"If you ever want to hear from my daughter, or see my daughter again you better leave this house again and never come back." He said with a threatening step towards me. I stood my ground but that was until I saw the look in his eyes and his wife's.

I knew that he wasn't joking around and I couldn't bare to not see or hear from her again.

"I fucking mean it kid, if you want my daughter to be happy you'll fucking leave."

I didn't have to hear it twice before I left the front porch with my head hung low.


Surpreze bet you weren't expecting an update this quick, but you guys deserve it. 

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