Chapter Twenty Seven: Clarity

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Adriana Rose Watson POV

      “Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need, chasing relentlessly, still fight and I don't know why” –Clarity, Zedd Ft Foxes.

After a couple of days, Joel and I were still together and almost everyone new about it. But then again, we weren’t making it very secretive. We’ve been going out for lunch, holding hands and sharing a couple of kisses.

School though, that was a lot different. I got weird looks from everyone, they all still believed he cheated on me. They must think I’m a fool for forgiving him. They’re the real fools, not knowing Princess Adriana is walking and breathing right under there noses. Ha.

Currently, we were walking around in the supermarket. Well he was, I was sitting in the trolley, giggling as we pushed the trolley around a sharp corner.

We were both matching, clothes wise of course. We had on a pair of blue denim shorts, white tank top and a leather jacket. Along with our black converse. We looked cute.

We were getting weird looks from most people, but some people would awe. They probably knew what we were, what we felt for each other.

I continued to giggle uncontrollably as Joel began throwing in items.

      “Stop throwing them at me, Joel.” I said as he threw a packet of chips at my head.

      “No can do baby girl.” Joel said as he threw more stuff at me. I laughed loudly.

He picked up a box and I didn’t recognize what it was till he placed it in my lap.

      “Might be needing these later.” Joel said with a smirk. Once again, I laughed loudly.

      “With the way you’re going Joel Brooks, you won’t be getting anything for a long time.” I said with a grin.

      “Like hell I won’t Rose.” Joel grumbled. I smiled wildly at him.

      “You’re lucky I love you.” Joel said as he placed his lips onto my forehead.

      “Mmm yeah whatever horny bastard.” I replied. Joel laughed.


Joel being the dumb idiot he is, nearly got us kicked out of the supermarket. He decided he wanted to ride on the trolley too.

He sprinted down one of the aisles and jumped onto the trolley bar so his stomach was holding him there. Unfortunately, this was a busy aisle, which meant a lot of people had to jump out of the way or be trampled by the trolley.

I couldn’t help but laugh when Joel fell off the trolley, causing me nearly to tip. But thankfully, a few pedestrians grabbed the trolley bars and steadied me.

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