Chapter 1

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Ok so let's do a little intro. So I am Sabrina Carpenter. I am 15 years old. I live in California and I am in 10th grade. I go to Clovis High School {Authors note: I got that from the movie Struck By Lightning. It might not be a real school.}

My friend group is pretty much me, my best friend Rowan, my sister, Sarah, Bradley, Corey and Peyton C. Sarah and Peyton are in 11th grade and Rowan, Corey, Bradley and me are in 10th. Rowan is dating Corey and Sarah is dating Peyton. Bradley isn't dating anyone. I don't have a boyfriend and I don't want one. I never did and I probably never will. I have never even had a crush on anyone before. I am basically saying I want to grow up and live with 50 cats for the rest of my life.

{Hey everyone. That is jut like a little intro. You can use the term asexual (doesn't like girls or boys) for this book if you would like too. I have never really written a story on here before so hopefully all the chapters aren't this short. The whole book with probably be in Sabrina's point of view unless it says it is in someone else's. It's probably really predictable of what is going to happen. So I hope you enjoy this book}

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