Chapter 30

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{I want this book done by June 30th so I'm going to be updating it a lot more. I usually only update on Fridays but now I'm just going to update it like 2-3 times a week. I plan on doing every Tuesday and Friday for updates}

So today is the day me and Bradley are going to his beach house place. He said that he will be at my house by 3 in the afternoon so I have like a half an hour before he gets here.

I'm sitting in my living with my mom, dad and Sarah. They are talking about how much they are going to miss me and stuff. It's only four days it won't be that bad.

So after a half an hour of my parents talking to me about how much they are going to miss me and the rules about going there and begin with him alone, Bradley finally knocks on the door.
I say bye and hug all of them then go and answer the door.

"Hi. Ready to go?" Bradley asks.

"Yeah" I say and grab my suitcase that was right next to the door.

"Bye guys" I say one last time then walk out and closing the door behind me.

We get to his parents car and his mom is in the drivers seat and his dad wasn't there. He was probably at work or something. Bradley takes my suitcase and puts it in the trunk and then we sit in the back seats.

The car ride was a little over a hour. It's wasn't bad though. Me and Bradley pretty much talked the entire time.

We get there and the house looked beautiful. It was so big and just looked like it would be a lot of fun. Me, Bradley and his mom get out of the car. Him and his mom say bye and hug and all that. She says bye to me too and tells us to be safe and have fun. Bradley gets our suitcases from the back. I try to get mine but he doesn't let me and tells me that he has it. We go up to the door and he unlocks it. We go inside and close the door. His mom waits until we are inside to drive away.
The house looked so nice. It was pretty much what you would expect in a beach house, a lot of white and very bright and maybe some like light blue.

"So what do you want to do first?" He asks and puts the suitcases down in the living room.

"I don't know" I say.

"You still need to decide where you want to sleep" He says.

"I know" I say. I haven't really put much thought into it. I knew I would have to make a decision really soon but I just avoided it. I think I'm going to decide on sleeping in the room with two beds because then we can talk at night before we go to bed and be together more.

Ones of the reasons I was excited to go on this vacation was because I knew it would strengthen our relationship and the more we are together the stronger it will get.

"Have you decided yet or no?" Bradley asks.

"Yeah. I have. Let's do the same room two beds thing" I say.

"Good. That's what I was hoping you were going to pick" He says and smiles.

"Yeah I like that choice better too" I say.

"What do you want to do? We could go to the boardwalk or in the back yard where the beach is" Bradley says.

"How about we go to the beach now and we can save the boardwalk for later when it's dark out" I say.

"That sounds good. Let's go" He says and grabs our suitcases and drags them up the stairs and to a bedroom. I follow him.

He puts my suitcase near ones of the beds and his at the other.

"Want me to go change in the bathroom?" He asks.

"Sure" I say as I'm opening my suitcase.

"Ok" He says and gets his bathing suit and a tee shirt and goes into the bathroom which was connected to our room.

I quickly change in to a two piece bathing suit and throw on a shirt and shorts.

About a minute later Bradley yells through the door "Can I come out?"

"Yeah" I yell back.

He comes out wearing his bathing suit and a tee shirt and is holding two beach towels.

"Ready to go?" He asks.

"Yeah" I say and we go downstairs and out the back door.

The beach was so big. I didn't realize how big the street we are on is. You can see the boardwalk he was talking about from the beach and on the other side of it were a lot of restaurants and fun places.

Bradley takes his shirt off so I take mine off too a little slowly because of being uncomfortable with it and everything.

"Come on" Bradley says and takes my hand. I smile a little bit and we walk down to the water.

We play around in the water for like 2 hours. Then it started getting dark since it was almost 7 o'clock so we decide to go inside.

"Want to go to the boardwalk or save it for tomorrow since it is getting late" Bradley asks as we walk up to our bedroom to change.

"Let's do it tomorrow so we have more time" I say.

"Ok. Want to take showers and watch a movie and order pizza?" Bradley asks.

"Sure" I say.

"Ok I'm going to go into the bathroom in hall. You can have the one in the bedroom" He says.

"Thanks" I say and grab a towel and go in.

I take a shower and then get out and get dressed in the bathroom.

I get out and Bradley is already dressed and laying on his bed playing on his phone.

"I already ordered the pizza. It should be here soon" Bradley says.

"Ok" I say.

"Want to go watch the movie?" He asks.

"Sure" I say and we both go downstairs to the living room. So the pizza came and we ate and everything. Then after the movie we went upstairs to go to bed since it was almost 11 o'clock.

We stayed up for another hour just talking, it was a mix of deep conversations about feelings and then basic stuff. I liked it and I love being with him.

He Broke Me {Brabrina} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now