Chapter 64

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"You do your thing, I do mine. You are you I am I. And if in the end we end up together, it's beautiful." ~ Topanga from Boy Meets World

A week after graduation:

Me and Sarah are hanging out together today. Peyton took Avery to his house to give Sarah a little break. She is now over a year old and Sarah has been with her every single second of every single day.

We are sitting in the couch watching tv but we weren't really watching, we were mostly just talking about the baby and relationships and me going away to college.

The door bell rings and we both look at each other.

"You get it" Sarah says

"Ok" I say and get up to answer the door. It was Bradley. "Hi Bradley. Want to come inside?" I ask.

"Actually I think this would be better if we do it outside" He says. I walk outside and shut the door behind me. He sits on the step going down to the front lawn so I sit next to him. I try not to get nervous when he wants to have a serious talk with me but for this one I got extremely nervous.

"I'm breaking up with you" He says.

"Why?" I ask. I was already on the verge of tears.

"I just want you to know that I will love you forever but I don't want you to be tied down by long distance dating me" He says.

"You won't be tying me down. I'm willing to do long distance with you because I love you" I say still ready to cry.

"I love you too but that's why I'm doing this. I'm going to let you go and live your life without me and if we are meant to be we will find each other again someday" He says.

I was really about to start crying. The only words I managed to get out was "Ok"

It was dead silent for about 2 minutes then Bradley stands up.

"I'm going to go. This must be hard for you because it's hard for me too. I'm sorry" He says and starts walking to his car and leaves. Once I couldn't see him anymore I stood up.

Flash back:

"I will break you, Carpenter" he yelled to me

"In your dreams Perry" I yelled back and went inside.

End of flashback.

Wow I can't believe he really broke me. He broke my brick wall and just broke my heart and they both happened on this front porch.

I go inside and Sarah noticed right away something was off.

"Are you ok?" She asks and stands up.

I just shake my head no and start crying. I couldn't hold it in anymore.

She comes up and hugs me and tight as she can.

"What happened?" She asks a couple minutes later and let's go from the hug.

"Bradley broke up with me" I say quietly with tears still in my eyes.

"Why?" She asks

"He didn't want me to be tied down in New York with a long distance relationship" I say as a start to calm down a little bit.

"He did that because he loves you. You two will still be best friends, I promise you that" She says.

"Ok. I'm going to go up to my room" I say.

"Ok" She says

I go upstairs to my room and just sit on my bed and think. I think about all the memories me and Bradley had together. I smiled a lot but I also cried a few more times. My favorite memories were the night of our first date, our second date when he asked me out, the time he helped me at baseball, I was so uncomfortable that day, the time we went on our beach house vacation and of course all the times we just stayed at home and watched movies.

I couldn't have asked for a better first boyfriend.

He Broke Me {Brabrina} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now