Chapter 41

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{I'm doing a time jump to Bradley's birthday. This chapter takes place about a month after the last one}

Me and Bradley have been dating for about 4 months now. Things couldn't be better. We are definitely getting closer and closer each day and I can really feel our relationship growing. 6 months ago I couldn't picture myself in a relationship with anyone but he really changed me.

Tomorrow is Bradley's birthday. Tonight I plan on going to his house at 12 in the morning to wish him a happy birthday and surprise him. I already talked to his mom and she said she would leave the door open for me.

So at about 11:45 me and Sarah leave to go to his house. Sarah said she would drive me because she doesn't want me walking there at almost 12 in the morning.

I went in my pajamas because it's almost 12 in the morning and I just want to wear comfortable cloths.

We get there and I wait until 11:58 to go inside. I send Bradley's mom a text before I went inside. I walk in very quietly and close the door as quiet as I can.

I go upstairs still very quiet and wait until exactly 12:00 to go in. Once it hit 12 I open the door quietly to his room. He is asleep. Who is asleep by twelve o'clock especially on their birthday.

I go next to his bed and whisper in his ear,  "Hey Bradley wake up. It's your birthday"

He shoots up and looks at me and smiles. "Hi B" I think I scared him a little bit.

"Hi. Happy birthday" I say and stand up.

"Thank you" He says and stands up too and hugs me.

"You welcome" I say and hug back.

After about 30 seconds he lets go.

"Want to sleep over tonight?" He asks.

"Sure" I say.

"Ok. I'll go make sure the guest room is set up" He says and starts walking out the door.

"Bradley wait." I say and he turns around. "Don't bother, we've been dating for almost 5 months why can't we sleep in the same bed" I say and he smiles really big.

"Ok" He says.

We both get into bed and sleep on opposites sides as far away from each other as we could.

"Goodnight" Bradley says.

"Goodnight" I say back and we both go to sleep.

So I wake up a couple hours later. I'm not sure what time it is but Bradley is still asleep. He's asleep and has his arms wrapped around me kinda tightly but not enough to not like choke me. I don't know how we got into that position but I don't hate it and I'm surprisingly not uncomfortable.

Remember a couple a weeks ago when Sarah said something like she feels like Peyton is her protector or something like that? I totally understand what she means now.

I didn't want to wake him up because it's his birthday. So I didn't move too much. I checked the time and it was 4am so I decided to just go back to sleep. I laid my head on his shoulder and just went back to sleep.

About 6 hours later I start to wake up and I hear Bradley saying my name really quietly.

"Sabrina. Wake up" He says. I could feel that he was still holding on to me like when I woke up before. I roll over and open my eyes.

"Good morning" He says.

"Good morning" I say back and smiled. Then he smiles too.

He looked down at how we were sitting and he was still holding me. He opened his mouth, I knew he was going to say sorry but before he could I stopped him.

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