Chapter 62

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{I'm posting 2 chapters today because why not. This is the 3rd to last chapter!}

Tonight is Prom. Me and Rowan went shopping for our dresses last week and Sarah came too. My dress was light blue and Rowan's was light pink.

Me and Rowan got ready together at my house. Our make up and hair artist also known as my sister Sarah did our hair and makeup. Then we got our dresses on.

Bradley and Corey arrived and they were like shocked about just like our dresses or something. I don't know they were like in shock.

"Hi Sabrina. You look beautiful" Bradley says

"Thank you. You do too" I say. He was wearing a suit.

"She only looks great because of me" Sarah says and me and Bradley just laugh.

Rowan's mom (she was over because she wanted to watch Rowan go to her prom) and my mom made us take hundreds of pictures. It got annoying after a while.

Then we left. Bradley and Corey got all of us a limo which was awesome.

So we all kind of hung together the entire night. We were dancing, talking and having lots of fun.

"Are you having fun?" Bradley asks me.

"The most fun I have ever had in this school, ever" I say.

"What? You didn't like all those tests and homework they made us do?" He says and we both laugh.

"No. I hated those most of all" I say.

My favorite part of the whole night was slow dancing with Bradley.

At 10:00 the chaperones stared kicking everyone out.

The 4 of us decided we didn't want to go home just yet so we went to eat at In And Out. We weren't the only ones though because there were about 15 other people from our school, all dressed up there.

We ate and laughed most of the time. Then we had to go home. It was 11:00. I didn't want the night to end but we all knew it was going to eventually. So the limo driver dropped us all off at our houses. I go to my room and change then 5 minutes later Sarah walks in.

"How was it" She asks.

"Best night ever" I say.

"That's good" She says.

"What was your prom like?" I ask.

"I didn't go, remember. Not like I wanted to go anyway. I would have had way much more fun just staying home and watching like horror movies with Peyton" She says.

"Oh yeah now I remember. You had a 2 month old baby at the time. And by the way staying home and watching horror movies instead of going to prom is weird" I say.

"I know. I would have thought it would be the other way around. I would go to prom my senior year and you would stay home for yours" She says.

"Yeah but things change. Less then 3 years ago I would have thought the same thing" I say.

"Ok. I'm going to go to bed now. Goodnight" she says.

"Goodnight" I say and she leaves the room and I go to bed.

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