Chapter 10 (Bradley's POV)

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I asked Sabrina to come over to my house today. Normally I have some sort of plan for when I invite her to go somewhere but today I have nothing. I just don't want to hang out in the living room because my mom is down here.
Right now I am just sitting on the couch watching tv waiting for Sabrina to come over and my mom is in the kitchen like doing dishes or something. Then door bell rings and my mom goes and gets it even though we both know it's Sabrina. I hear Sabrina say hi to my mom very politely. Then, I hear my mom say hi and that I talk about Sabrina all the time. Why does she have to be so embarrassing! It is true that I talk about her way more then I probably should but she didn't need to know that. That's when I decide to get up and go to the door before my mom embarrasses me anymore. What's next she is going to show her my baby pictures?

I apologized to here and ask her to come up to my room. Right after I said that I regretted it because I didn't want to over step my boundaries. We both go upstairs to my room and we were just standing in there. She was looking around at everything because I do have lots of posters of baseball and football players and a few trophies of my own. "Sorry about my mom again" I say.

I am still so embarrassed and it is so awkward today for some reason. Probably because she has never met my parents and I have never met hers.

"It's ok. I didn't mind" She said.

That made me feel a little bit better. "What do you want to do?" I ask hoping she had something in mind.

"I don't know. It's your house, you can decide" She says.

"We have already done the binge tv thing twice. Want me to teach you how to play video games?" I ask with a smile on my face.

"I would rather die." She says and I smiled a little more because it was funny.

"Ok then. What about baseball?" I ask.

"That's terrible too but not as bad as video games. Sure why not" She says. I am a little shocked she said yes and I am starting to get the feeling that she doesn't want to be here.

"Really?" I ask

"Yeah now let's go before I change my mind" She says.

We both leave my room and go into the back yard. I brings out the baseball bat and the bucket of balls.

"Why do you have so many baseballs?" She asks.

"My dad used to couch my little league team" I say and hand her the bat. I see her just starring at the thing as if it is a alien just dropped it off and it was from space.

"Do you know how to properly swing?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"Here let me show you" I say and go and stand behind her and put my hands over hers on the bat and show her where to put her hands. Then it hit me on how uncomfortable I am probably making her feel because I am pretty much holding her super close and she is too shy to say anything. I am starting to get nervous but I didn't want to show it.

"Ok so when you start you put the top of the bat behind you head" I say and move the bat to behind her head with my hands still on top of hers. "This is how you swing" I say and do the motion of how to swing while still standing behind her and had my hands on top of hers. I really regret doing this. I should have thought of something else besides baseball.

"Got it?" I ask

She looks up at me. I look into her beautiful blue eyes.

"Got it" She says. She had a small smile on her face. I didn't know what it meant but I didn't think too much of it. She is probably just trying to be nice.

I let go of her still really nervous. I don't even know why, it's Sabrina, she isn't going to say anything about it to anyone except maybe Sarah and Rowan.

I go and stand about 20 feet in front of her with all the balls and she has the bat. "I'm going to throw the ball now" I say to give her a heads up.

"Ok" she says and I throw the ball and she swings but misses the ball 

"It's ok. I didn't get it on my first try either" I say to make her feel better.

"When did you start playing baseball?" She asks

"In 1st grade it was tee ball. Then in 3rd grade they took the tee away and I didn't hit my first ball until the like second to last game of the season that year" I tell her

"Good. Now I won't feel bad if I don't hit a ball today" She says.

"I will seriously be at your house everyday until you learn how to hit a ball" I say

"No thanks. I'm good" I say

Then I throw about 5 more balls and She misses every time. She did kind of hit one but it didn't go far. I asked her if she wanted to throw a few balls but she said no. We went inside since it was getting dark and she probably really wanted to go home. I ask if I can walk her home. She says no but I tell her I'm not letting her walk home alone. We walk to her house and I didn't talk the entire walk. I was still nervous about the whole showing her how to swing thing. We get up to her door she was starting to unlock it. I decided to apologize to her because I really felt bad. I shouldn't have done that to her. She isn't that close with boys and probably wasn't comfortable with it at all.

"Hey B, sorry if I was a little to close today while teaching you how to swing. I know that's not really in your comfort zone" I say looking down at my feet.

"It's ok Bradley. I kind of liked it. I was like a scene in a movie." She says. I really wasn't expecting that and I was kind of shocked. All I managed to say was "Good"

"Bye Bradley. I had fun today. Thank you" she said and opened the door.

"Bye B. I did too" I say and she closes the door.

As I am walking home all I can think about it when she said that she liked it. How could she have liked it? I could tell how uncomfortable she was the entire time. I'm so confused and still embarrassed. Then I started thinking, What is the reason she doesn't want a boyfriend so bad? Is there some sort of back story to it?

{Hey guys. I hope you liked this chapter. I wants to show how both Sabrina and Bradley were feeling during this little scene}

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