Chapter 58

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{I'm time jumping to the first day of school}

Senior year. I am actually really excited for this year. We are going to be the oldest in the school and it's my last ever year of school until college.

Sarah and Peyton won't be here this year which is kinda sad but I'll get over it real quick. Peyton is going to collage not to far from here. He is still living at his parents house. His school already started and he normally comes to our house once he is done with school. Sarah didn't go to collage (which she never really wanted to go to in the first place) since she has to stay home to take care of Avery. Avery is now 7 months old and she just started crawling and is now roaming all over the house.

Rowan and Corey are still dating. I hang out with Rowan a lot since she is my best friend but I don't really hang out with Corey. I talk to him in school but not much outside of school. I have almost all my classes with Rowan this year.

And finally a update on Bradley. We are still dating and our relationship continues to grow. Me and him only have 2 classes together which we aren't to thrilled about but we'll survive. But the worst part of all this year is that the 4 of us don't have lunch together. Every year since 6th grade we have had the same lunch period but not this year. Me and Rowan have it 6th period, Bradley has it 5th and Corey has it 7th. I'm just glad I have it with at least ones of my friends.

I can't wait for school to be over. Only 179 days left.

Me and Rowan drove to school together this morning.

"Ready?" She asks.

"I'm totally ready" I say and we walk in.

We go to our lockers which were right next to each other and unpack our bags.

About 2 minutes later Bradley and Corey come up behind up. Corey going behind Rowan and Bradley coming behind me.

"Hey" They both say.

"Hi" me and Rowan say back.

"I'll see you later" I say to Rowan and Corey and go to my first period class. Me and Bradley have 1st and 7th period together. Then me and Rowan have all the same classes together except 1st.

The first day of school went great. Lunch wasn't the same without everyone together though. So now like I said before just 179 days left.

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