Chapter 17

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Today is Sunday and it's the day after I babysat Auggie and Ocean. I have nothing planned. There parents picked them up at like 10am and Bradley left at 8am. I told Rowan about the whole thing with Bradley coming over and sleeping over and how I'm probably going to get fired. She told me not to worry about it. The parents are fine with 1 friend coming over when she babysits but not ok with like a party. She said that she always invited Corey over when she babysits alone and the parents are fine with it and the boys love having someone older, especially a boy to hang out with. It makes them feel cool. I'm so relived now.
I have nothing planned for today. I think I just want to stay home and do nothing and that is my plan. Or that was my plan until Bradley texted me.

Bradley: Hey B. Want to come watch me in a baseball game?

I really didn't want to but it actually seems kind of fun.

Me: Sure. What time?

Bradley: 3 o clock. My parents said they will pick you up.

Me: Ok. See you at 3

Me again: Just a question. What color if you team?

Bradley: Black

Me: Ok. Thanks.

I wanted to wear his team color to support him. Luckily black is a easy color to find in my closet.

I get dressed in a black shirt and jeans. Then I waited for Bradley. About 15 minutes later he comes and knocks on my door. I answer it.

"Hey B. Ready to go?" He asks. He is wearing his baseball jersey and looks pretty cute in it. I think I am slowly starting to have a crush on him.

"Yeah. Let's go" I say.

We walk outside and into his car. Me and him going into the back seat.

"Hi Sabrina" His mom and dad say.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Perry" I say.

His dad drives us to the baseball field and we talk for a little bit. It was nothing too big mostly just questions like what I like to do. Then we get there and me and Bradley's parents go to the bleachers and Bradley goes to the other side of the field with his team.

"So how long have you known Bradley" His mom asks.

"Since 7th grade I think" I say.
"That's cute. He really likes you. I can tell" She says.

"Thanks" I say.

The game starts and me and Bradley's parents watch and we talk for a little bit. I see a few of Bradley's friends that I met at the party on the last day of school. I talked to them a little bit but not a lot. Almost all of them asked if I was dating Bradley and I said no. They also had to explain what was going on in the game to me. His friends were mostly girls that were there supporting there boyfriends. I have like no idea what happens in baseball. All I knew was that Bradley's team was winning.

Then the game ended and his team won. I congratulated him. Then his parents drove me home. We get to my house and he walks me up to my door.

"Thanks for coming today. It was the best game I ever played. It was like you were my good luck charm" He says.

"Your welcome. It was fun. You were really good" I say.

"Thanks. I was scared my parents were going to embarrass me and I wouldn't even be there to stop them." He says.

"No they didn't really talk about you. They just asked me a lot of questions about myself" I say.

"Ok. Bye B. Thanks again" He says.

"Bye Bradley" I say and walk inside.

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