Chapter 63

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This is it, graduation, it's all over.

You are probably wondering what me and my friends are doing about college. Bradley is going to UCLA to continue playing baseball because he really wants to be a professional baseball player. Me and Rowan are going to college in New York together and Corey is going to Yale. He is the valedictorian so we all saw that coming. Rowan and Corey both are ok with doing a long distance relationship. They are only going to be like 3 hours away from each other by car. Me and Bradley have not talked about what we want to do about long distance yet but our relationship has survived this much so I think we will be ok.

This week has been filled with a lot of tears from everyone, classmates, parents, siblings and friends. Everyone is sad about leaving each other. I'm sad about go across the country from Bradley and my family but I'm happy I'll be with Rowan. I'm probably going to miss Bradley and Sarah the most of all.

So all 4 of us are getting ready for graduation and I'm so not ready. As much as I hate that place I'm sad to be growing up and leaving.

"Are you guys sad?" Rowan asks.

"I have mixed feelings about it" I say.

"Me too" Bradley and Corey agree.

"I feel the same way" She says and we all get in Bradley's car and leave to go to our school one last time.

We all sit in the chairs in alphabetical order. All our families are here and there are so many people watching.

Corey goes up and gives his valedictorian speech.

"Dear my fellow graduates..." long, sad, boring stuff he was saying. "But most of all I would like to thank the 5 people who were with me through all of high school Peyton Clark, Bradley Steven Perry, Sabrina and Sarah Carpenter and most of all my girlfriend, Rowan Blanchard" He says then sits down.

They start calling us up one by one and start handing us our diplomas. It was a very bitter sweet thing. I can't believe I am going to actually kinda miss this place.

Once they were done, Mr. Smith, the principal who suspended me and Sarah that day (good times) said, "Your graduating class of 2017" and everyone threw there hats in the air. No one broke out into song like I thought they were going to, high school musical gave me false hopes.

After the ceremony all 4 of us went inside the building and say goodbye. It was sad and Rowan started crying a little bit but I held it in.

None of us wanted graduation parties so we have nothing to do after this. Instead we are going to have going away parties in August.

"Sabrina, do you want to go to get lunch with me?" Bradley asks.

"Sure" I say. I wonder why he hasn't called me B in a while.

We meet with our families outside and they say congrats and then me and Bradley leave.

"Where should we go?" He asks.

"Want to go to just a restaurant?" I ask.

"Sure" He says and starts driving to it.

We drive for about 10 minutes then arrive.

We sit down then order our food.

"How do you feel about graduating?" I ask.

"I'm just happy I didn't drop out" He says. 

I laugh and say, "Me too"

About 15 minutes later our food comes and we start eating or I start eating. Bradley seemed a little upset and was acting weird. He didn't eat much.

"Are you ok?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm fine" He says while just playing around with the food on his plate.

"No your not. What's wrong?" I ask

"I don't know. I'm just a little upset about us living across the country from each other" He says.

"I am too but I'm sure it will be fine. We can text, call and FaceTime each other everyday and I will come back to California every break I get. It will work out" I say.

"What if it doesn't and we end up like every other couple who tried to get through going to different colleges but ended up breaking up in the first year" He says.

"Bradley, since when have we been like a normal couple. It took us 3 months just for me to be comfortable enough to kiss you" I say.

"You're right. I hope we will be ok" He says and smiles a little.

"Me too" I say.

We both finish our meals and leave. He drops me off at my house.

"Bye. I love you" I say.

"I love you too" He says and kisses me.

I kiss back then get out of the car and go inside. Little did I know that would be our last kiss.

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