Chapter 47

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{I'm getting ready to write the most uncomfortable chapter I have ever written. This takes place in like March}

So I'm sleeping peacefully in my bed at about 3:00 in the morning when someone comes in a wakes me up. It's Sarah which isn't a big surprise.

"Sabrina wake up" She says.

"What is it" I ask and sit up.

"You know that baby I'm having" She asks

"No I don't" I say sarcastically.

"Shut up. Well I think it's like coming now" She says and I shoot up.

"Ok, first why would you come and tell me. You should have told Peyton. And second does it hurt" I ask. Peyton has slept over almost every night the past 2 weeks because all of us knew the baby was coming really soon.

"I lied and told him I was just going to the bathroom. And yeah that's how I know it is coming" She says.

"Ok you go wake him up and I'll wake mom and dad up" I say and she goes back into her room and I go to my parents room.

"Mom and dad wake up. It's like kinda a emergency" I say a little above a whisper.

"I'm up. What is it?" My dad asks and his sits up and gets out of bed and my mom does too.

"The baby is coming" I say.

"Wait so your pregnant too" My dad says as a joke. Why is no one taking this seriously?

"No that's not funny." I say and try to hide my smile.

"We know what you mean. Let's go" My mom says as they go into the hallway. They both actually looked really excited.

We go into the hallway and Peyton and Sarah are already standing out there and he is holding her hand. He was also holding a backpack. I guess it was ones of those hospital bag things that expecting parents make before the baby is born. I'm shocked Sarah actually has ones of those.

Everyone was surprisingly calm. I guess it's because is it only 3am and everyone is still tired.

So all 5 of us get in my parents car and go to the hospital.

She checks in and they put all of us in a room and now we just wait until she is something with centimeters. I wasn't paying attention when the doctor was in here.

We were only sitting in the room for 10 minutes and I already got bored. I texted Bradley even though I doubt he would be up.

Me: Hey Brads. I know it's like 3:30 but what are you doing.

I surprisingly got a text back almost immediately.

Bradley: I was just sleeping but then I woke up because I had my ringer all the way up

Me: Why do you keep your ringer all the way up?

Bradley: Just incase you ever text me and it's a emergency or something.

Me: That's really sweet.

Bradley: Why are you even up so early

Me: Sarah woke me up. She is in labor

Bradley: Do you want me to come?

Me: No. They said it going to take a couple hours.

Bradley: Alright text me if you need anything

Me: Ok I will. I'm sorry I woke you up

Bradley: It's ok. I'll talk to you later.

So we wait around for about a 3 hours (6:00am) and everyone was really quiet and basically falling asleep in there chairs. I knew Sarah was in pain but just wasn't showing it, I think she would just rather be sleeping.

Just to let you know we finished the baby's room last week and it looks good so we were ready for the baby to come home.

The doctor came in and told us that it's time. Which is also my cue to leave. The doctor told her she can have up to 2 people in the room with her. She of course she picked Peyton and me. This is going to be even more uncomfortable then the time Bradley taught me baseball or Bradley just randomly invited me over to his house alone before he even started breaking my wall.

* * *

About 10 minutes after the baby is born:

It's over. The baby is here and I will never have kids after having to see what just happened.

But some good news is that I think Sarah is starting to love her. I'm not going to push her into loving it so soon because it took me four months to learn to love Bradley.

"What do you want to name her?" Peyton asks.

"I don't know. Do you want to pick?" Sarah asks while holding her and Sarah was smiling.

"We never really talked about it." Peyton says.

"I know" She says.

"What about Avery?" Peyton suggests.

Sarah looks at her for a second then says, "Yeah I like it"

"So she's Avery Clark" Peyton says.

"Yep. Baby Avery" Sarah says.

So after that my parents and Peyton's parents come in to meet her. Then Bradley, Rowan and Corey come and few other family members. Everyone seemed to really like her name and thought that she was the cutest baby ever.

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