Chapter 26

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{Starting the chapter off a little different. It's the next morning in the story}

I slowly open the door to Sarah's room and she is still asleep. It's 10 o'clock so I'm going to wake her up. I would like jump on her bed and be really mean and wake her up but she's going through a lot so I'm not going to.

"Sarah wake up" I say a little above a whisper

"I don't want to" She whines and rolls over.

"Let's go. We have to go somewhere" I say.

"Fine give me 5 minutes." She says. Wow that was easier then I thought it would be.

"If you aren't out of bed and dressed in 5 minutes I'm coming in a dumping a bucket of cold water on you" I say.

"I know you won't" She says with her eyes still closed.

"I will" I say and leave the room.

I go to my room and get dressed. I'm taking Sarah to the mall so she can get her mind off of stuff. It's probably not going to work but at least I'm trying. 5 minutes later I go back to her room and she actually got out of bed and got dressed.

"Where are we going?" She asks.

"I'll tell you later" I say.

"Well I'm going to be the one driving so I should probably know where we are going" She says

"Yeah that's a good point but I'm still telling you later" I say.

We go downstairs and eat breakfast quickly. Then we get whatever we need and go to her car.

"Ok will you now tell me where we are going?" She asks.

"We are going to the mall" I say.

"For what?" She asks.

"Just for fun" I say.

"Alright let's go then" She says not very enthusiastically and starts driving there.

We arrive at the mall and go inside.

"Where do you want to go first?" She asks.

"A clothes store?" I say. Probably not the smartest idea since she won't fit in them in like 5 months or something like that.

"Sure" She says.

We go into our normal store we always go into. {I'm too lazy to come up with a store and I know like know teenage girl stores because like all my clothes are merchandise and bought online or Hot Topic 😂}

"What do you want to get?" I ask her.

"I don't know. I really don't see the point" She says.

"Just pick something out." I say. I think it is funny how last time we were here it was her pushing me to get that white dress and now it's me pushing her to buy anything.

After like 15 minutes of looking around the store she finally picked something. I picked out about 5 things. We went to the cash register and paid.

We start walking out of the store and she was texting someone. By accident she bumps into someone because she wasn't paying attention.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to" She started then looked up and saw who it was. "Oh it's just you" She says. It was Peyton. He was texting too so I assume they were texting each other.

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"Sabrina made me come here" She says.

"You are having fun. Stop complaining" I say.

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