Chapter 44

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Christmas Day:

It's Christmas. I haven't left my bed yet because I just don't want to. I will in a few minutes though. I have nothing but family stuff planned for today.

So I go downstairs and my mom and dad were sitting on the couch waiting for me and Sarah to come down. Sarah still wasn't down yet.

"Hi mom and dad. Merry Christmas" I say.

"Merry Christmas" They both say back.

"Want me to go get Sarah?" I ask

"Sure" My mom says and I run up the stairs to Sarah's room.

"Sarah wake up. It's Christmas" I say.

"I don't want to. This Christmas is going to suck, I'm going to get all baby crap then every Christmas after this it's going to be all about the kid" She says with her eyes still closed and laying down. I'm pretty sure she was awake before I came in.

"Yes but by the time next Christmas comes you will be head over heals in love with her and you can say that's never going to happen all you want but we both know it's true" I say and I'm just standing in her doorway. Deep down I think Sarah really loves the baby but won't show it.

"Fine let's go and get this over with" She says and gets out of her bed

"Let's go grinch" I say as we both walk out of her room.

So we go downstairs and open all our presents. I got a bunch of cloths and stuff normal teenagers would get. Sarah got a few baby things, maybe like 3 outfits for it and the rest was a new camera, laptop and yeah that's all I know of that she got.

I got Sarah a stress reliever coloring book and colored pencils because she seems pretty stressed out a lot lately which I understand why.

{I know nothing on what teenage girls want for Christmas, I still ask for legos and art supplies}

My other sister Shannon was going to come home for Christmas but she decided not to and wanted to spend it with my grandparents in Pennsylvania instead.

Me, Sarah and my parents ate breakfast, my mom and dad cooked this big meal then we just kind of hung around all day watching Christmas movies.

At about 1:00 the doorbell rings. I get up to answer it, being the youngest I'm forced to do everything. But I'm glad I answered the door because it was Bradley. I grabbed his present that I had on the table next to the door, just in case he did a little surprise visit. Which he normally does do.

"Hi Bradley" I say and go outside onto the porch and close the door behind me.

"Hi B" He says and we sit down on the steps.

"Merry Christmas" He says and hands me and little long and skinny box.

"Thank you. Merry Christmas" I say and hand him his present.

I open mine and he opens his. I got him some red socks jersey thing that he has been talking about getting for months.

He got me a necklace with my initials on it. It was really pretty.

"Thank you. I love it!" He says and hugs me.

"Your welcome. Thank you" I say and kiss him because I know he was trying not to make me uncomfortable. I don't know why he still tries on it making me uncomfortable. I'm for the most part always comfortable around him now.

"Want me to put it on you?" He asks

"Sure" I say and we both stand up.

I turn around and hold my hair up andhe puts the necklace around my neck and does the little clip thing in the back.

"I'll talk to you later. I told my parents I would only be gone for 10 minutes and I have been gone for almost a half an hour now." He says.

I laugh a little then say, "Ok. Bye" then kiss him one more time before I go inside

{I planned on writing a short chapter for this one but then it ended up being almost 700 words.

Ok so I want to tell you a little bit about the whole Sarah pregnancy thing and why she doesn't like or love the baby yet. So learning to love has been a big theme in this story and it's basically a side story line of the main one which is Sabrina learning to love Bradley. She eventually she will learn to love the baby the same way Sabrina learned to love Bradley. And the baby will have a big part in the ending of the story}

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