Chapter 5

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Back to Sabrina's point of view:

So it's the next weekend after Bradley said he is going to try and break "the brick wall." I can tell he has been trying. He has been extra nice to me and is always trying to start conversations with me. I would talk to him just to be nice. I fell bad because I really don't want a boyfriend but he is falling for me hard and I don't want to like lead him on.

Right now I'm sitting in my bed on my phone and I get a text from Bradley.

Bradley: Hey. Can you come mini golfing with me?

I really didn't want to go if it was just going to be the two of us because I know it is just going to be ones of his attempts to break the brick wall.

Me: Sure. What time and who else is going?
Bradley: I'll pick you up at 2 and it's going to be just me and you.

Me: Ok see you then.

*End of text*

I get up and get ready and everything then me and Sarah hang out for a while until she leaves to go to Peyton's house. I watch like one episode of a tv show. Then at 2:00 I hear a knock on the door and I answer it and it is Bradley.

"Hey B" He says

"Hey Bradley"

"Ready to get your butt kicked in mini golf?" He asks

"I'm so going to win" I respond. I really don't think I am going to win. I have only played like two times before.

We walk to the mini golf. After that we get our clubs and balls and all that. At the first hole Bradley gets the ball in after 2 hits and I get the ball in at 4.

"Nice job, Perry" I say

"Thanks, Carpenter" he says back

We do all the other holes and we talked a lot. Bradley got like 4 hole in ones and I got 1. We were at the last hole and I hit the ball and it only took me 2 tries. Then Bradley goes and it takes him 1 try. As I expected Bradley won. I figured he would because I wasn't really trying.

"Good game Bradley" I say and high five him

"You too B" He says and high fives back. We give back the golf clubs and balls

"Want to go get ice cream?" He asks

"Of course. Who would say no to ice cream" I laugh a little and he does too.

We walk to the ice cream parlor and he gets cookie dough and I get strawberry. Then we sit at ones of the tables outside.

"Thanks for taking me mini golfing and getting ice cream" I say while taking another bite of my ice cream.

"Your welcome. I had a lot of fun. My favorite part was how excited you got when you made your hole in one" he said

"That was my first ever hole in one!" I say really excitedly. We finished eating our ice cream and throw away the garbage and left.

"Is there anything else you want to do today?" Bradley asked me.

"Not really. Today has been really fun. Thank you again"

"Your welcome. Maybe next time we can go to In And Out." He said as we arrived at my house and were standing on my front porch.

"Who said there is going to be a next time?" I ask and laughed a little.

"I just know there will be a next time because you can never say no" He said

"I know. Bye Bradley" I said and opened the door.

"Bye B" he said and I walked in to my house and went upstairs and went to my room.

He Broke Me {Brabrina} (Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora