Chapter 51

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School is out.

Today was my last day of junior year and I couldn't be happier.

I go to my locker and clear everything out from the year and then me and Bradley started walking out of school and to his car.

"When do you plan on taking your road test?" He asks.

"Probably next month. I really don't need to. I have you and Sarah as my chauffeurs" I say as I get into his car.

"I love driving you around but I'm not always going to be here to drive you and remember we want to go on our road trip this summer" He says.

"I remember and I can't wait." I say

"Want to know what we should do tonight?" He asks and starts driving.

"What?" I ask

"We should have a school work burning party with Sarah, Peyton, Rowan and Corey" He says.

"That would be awesome" I say.

"Text them and find out if they can" He says.

"Who's house would it be at?" I ask.

"We can do it at mine" He says.

I text all four of them and they all said yes to coming.

"They're in" I say

"Awesome" He says.

We drive to his house and we start taking all our paper out of our binders and make them into a pile outside.

After that Bradley starts setting up the fire pit but doesn't lit it yet.

After a long time it starts getting dark out and Sarah, Peyton, Rowan and Corey arrive. Avery stayed home with my parents.

So we thought it was just going to be the 6 of us burning out papers until more and more people (mostly seniors and juniors) started showing up with garbage bags full of paper.

"How did all these people find out?" I ask my group.

"I posted about it on twitter" Sarah says.

"I told a couple people" Corey says.

"I didn't tell anyone" Rowan says.

"Yeah I didn't tell anyone either" Peyton says

"Well half the school it here to burn the school work. We better get some fire extinguishers ready" I say and I was being a little over dramatic. Half the school wasn't really here.

"Bradley I'm going to apologize now just incase your house burns down and you are welcome to live with us after it does. I'm sure Sabrina would love that" Sarah says.

"It's ok. That means I would get a whole new house and get to spend 6 months with my girlfriend while it's being built" He says and the 6 of us laugh.

I looked at all the people here and there was at least 50.

Bradley lights the wood in the fire pit and everyone goes crazy throwing stuff in and yelling stuff like I hated this teacher or this subject.

Next year we are going to have to get a bigger fire pit and maybe do it at a beach.

About a hour later no one had any papers left and the fire died down a lot compared to what it was when everyone was throwing there stuff in.

The fire was seriously huge. It was so big that we had to take turns throwing stuff in
to let it burn out a little bit.

After that everyone left except the 6 of us. When everyone was leaving they kept telling Bradley how awesome that was and how he has to do it again next year. He definitely did like the attention.

After everyone left the 6 of us roasted marshmallows and sat around the fire talking.

"I'm so glad I'm done with school forever" Sarah said.

"I can't wait until next, we will be the kings and queens of the school" Bradley says.

"It's not as glamorous as you think" Sarah says.

"Then I'll make it glamorous" Bradley says.

"I'm kinda sad you two won't be in school anymore and won't be at lunch with us anymore" Rowan says.

"You could always leave the school for lunch" Sarah says.

"I know but I like the lunch room" Rowan says.

"I'm proud of our group for staying together for almost all of high school. That normally doesn't happen" I say. The fact that our group could end just any random day kinda scares me. I love our little group and don't want anything to change.

"I am too. It's rare for a group to survive through middle school and now here we are going into senior year and will hopefully make it through" Bradley says.

We spend the rest of the night talking until probably like 10 and then we all went home.

Me and Sarah were in her car, she was driving and I said, "So were you irresponsible tonight"

"Yes and I feel guilty about it" She says.

"Don't. You were responsible for 3 months straight that's a new record for you. The record before this was like an hour." I say.

"I know" She says and keeps driving.

"I never asked, have you figured out if you love baby Avery yet?" I ask. She is 3 months old so she should by now.

"Yes and I do. I have for a long time now, I just haven't realized it" She says.

"That's good" I say. I'm proud of her, it probably only took her a couple weeks but she didn't realize it and thinks it took longer.

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