Chapter 16

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So today I promised Auggie and Ocean's mom I would babysit them again. I have babysat them a few times with Rowan since the first time and there parents trust me with them but this time is totally different I am going to be all by myself and it is going to be at my house and they are sleeping over. Sarah will be home tonight but I doubt she will help and my parents are away on a business trip. Rowan is going on a date with Corey today and she didn't want to miss it so I said I would do it. There parents are going to a party or something and it's no kids allowed. I am so nervous.

Auggie and Ocean are getting dropped off at 4 and then I have no plans for the rest of the night except play with them and watch them. It's only 1 o'clock now so I have time. They said they would bring over toys so now I don't have to dig through our old toys to find stuff for them. Growing up it was just me, Sarah and my other sister Shannon, she is in college so she doesn't live with us anymore, so our toys were probably all barbies and dolls, stuff that wouldn't interest them.

So now it is 4 and Auggie and Ocean just got here.

"What do you two want to do?" I ask and bring them and there bags into the living room.

"Can we have a tour of your house?" Auggie asks.

"Sure" I say. I bring them into the kitchen.
"This is the kitchen, if you want anything to eat just let me know and I will get you whatever you want" I say.

"Ok" They both say at the same time.

Then I bring them upstairs and show them into my room. "This is my room" I say.

"I like it!" Ocean says.

"Thanks" I say.

Next I showed them into Sarah's room.

"This is my sister Sarah's room and that's Sarah" I say and point to her. She was sitting on her bed and on her phone.

"Hi. I'm Sarah" She says to them

"Hi I'm Auggie" Auggie says

"I'm Ocean!" Ocean says.

After that we go back downstairs to the living room and show them our basement. It was a finished basement so it was just like a second living room. Then we go back upstairs to the living room and they start pulling out some of there toys and playing. It's was probably about 5 now.

"Do you want me to order pizza for dinner" I ask them.

"Yeah! I love pizza!" Ocean says.

"I do too" Auggie says.

"Ok" I say and call and order a pie to be delivered. We play in the living room for about a half and hour then the pizza man rings the door bell.

"Can I answer it!" Ocean asks.

"Ocean likes to answer the door at our house" Auggie says.

"Sure" I say and we both walk to the front door and Ocean opens the door and I give Ocean the money to give to the pizza man and he gives him the money. Then I take the pizza and all 3 of us go into the kitchen to eat. Sarah comes down to eat too. We finish and it is like 6pm now so me and the boys decided to a movie. They wanted to watch Toy Story so I start it and we sit on the couch in the living room and watch it.

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