Chapter 52

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July 1st:

Summer is by far the best season of the year. There is no school, no stress and you get to spend almost everyday with your friends but outside of school.

Me and Bradley are planning our summer road trip. My parents said I can go and Bradley has been looking at RVs to rent for a month or so.

Me and Sarah are throwing a big 4th of July party at our house. I have never thrown a party before. Sarah has had tons of party's at our house but I never really left my room when she had those. I would normally have Rowan sleepover or go to Rowan's house to sleepover. We also bought fireworks for the party (with no parents permission) so we hopefully won't blow up the house.

I'm sitting in my room texting Rowan when Sarah comes in.

"Hi. Do you really think this party thing is a good idea?" She asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I mean that it probably isn't considering Avery is only 5 months old." She says.

"What if we say the party is canceled because you have been throwing up all night or something and only invite over Peyton, Bradley, Rowan and Corey" I say.

"Well the throwing up excuse isn't a good one. It will just start a bunch of rumors considering I just had a baby" She says.

"Fine say the dog was throwing up" I say.

"Another bad excuse ever but it will work" She says and leaves my room.

Me and Sarah originally planned on having over like 100 people. I'm fine with it just being the 6 of us. It probably won't be any different because if there's 100 people or just 6. I will still only talk and hang around them.

{I'm doing a 4 day time jump to 4th of July because this chapter is only 300 words so far}

4th of July:

Today's the day. We are having the 4th of July party. Our parents won't be home and Peyton's parents are staying home tonight so they are going to watch baby Avery. They love her and were really excited to.

At 6 Rowan and Corey come and Peyton and Bradley come about 10 minutes later.

We eat dinner then talk a lot and blasting music and eating. At 9 we decided to do the fire works because it was dark out and everyone else on my block was doing them. The boys started setting them off and the girls stayed up on the back porch. They were really pretty and very exciting. It probably would have been more fun with more people there but I was ok with it just being my close friends.

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