Chapter 2

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Sabrina's POV:
It is Friday morning and I am walking in to school with Rowan and we went to our lockers which were right next to each other and did all that stuff with getting books. Then I went to my first-period class, which was English and she went to her first class. I think hers is gym. The only ones of my friends in that class is Bradley but him and I aren't really that close. We have known each other since 7th grade. I like talking to him and stuff when all 6 of us are together but I would never hang out with him alone. I'm not like super close with the boys in my friend group because I really don't want a boyfriend so I don't really talk to boys. I decided to sit next to him anyway since we are friends.  

"Hey" He said.

"Hi" I said back and smiled a little just to be nice.

Besides that, we barley talked for the rest of the period. The bell rang and I was about to leave but then he said something to me.

"Hey. Want to hangout after school?" He asked.

I was a little hesitant at first. I said yes, again just to be nice.

"Ok. I'll meet you at your locker at the end of the day" He says back.

"Ok. See you then" I said.

Then we both left the classroom and went our separate ways. During my next class, which was science I didn't really pay attention because I was really curious about what Bradley wanted to do after school.


Rowan, Sarah, Peyton, Corey, Bradley and I all sat at our lunch table and started eating our lunch.

"So what are you guys doing later?" Rowan asked

"Me and Peyton are going to go to my house." Sarah said

"Me and Sabrina are going to hangout after school" Bradley said

"To do what?" Corey asked

"I don't know. We have really talked about it yet" I said.

"Have fun" Rowan said

"Thanks?" I said back but it sounded like a question because I didn't really get what she meant by that. Then everyone just kind of talked about different stuff and ate until the bell rang.

After the last bell rang:

I walk out of my last class and started heading to my locker and Bradley was already there.
"How did you get her so fast?" I asked him.

"I kind of left 3 minutes before the bell rang" He said back.

"Ok" I open up my locker and got everything I needed and put it in my backpack. "So why did you want to hang out after school?"

"I wanted to hang out and get to know you better because I barley know anything about you and we have known each other for about 3 years now" He answered back.

Aw that's kind of sweet. I thought in my head. "Ok. Where should we go?"

"If you want we could go back to my house. I doubt you would want to hang out there with Sarah and Peyton making out the entire time" Bradley said.

{Authors note: I did not come up with that line myself. Ones if my friends told me to put it in}

I laughed a little "Yeah. That's pretty much what happens every time they are alone together"

I shut my locker and we walked out of the school and walked to Bradley's house.

"My parents aren't home so we have the place to ourselves" He said as he unlocked the door. That just made me even more nervous.

"Ok. Want to just like watch tv or something?" I asked.

"Yeah. Follow me" He said

I followed him and we went downstairs to his like hangout room. I guess you can't call it a play room because we aren't 5 years old anymore and there weren't toys. Down there he had his gaming system thing. I don't know what it's called but I do know him, Corey and Peyton always play games on it.

"Want me to go and get snacks from the kitchen?" He asked

"Sure. I don't care what you get. I'll eat anything" I told him.

"Ok. I'll be right back" He said and went upstairs.

I sat on a single person couch because I didn't want him to sit right next to me when he came back. I waited for him and 5 minutes later he came back with a bunch of junk food and put it all on the coffee table.

"Thanks" I said

"Your welcome. So what should we watch?" he asked

"What about The Walking Dead?" I asked

"Sure" He said and turned on the tv and started the most recent episode and sat down in the chair next to me.

We watched tv and ate for about a hour and I really wanted to leave because I know he was going to start asking me questions about myself soon. Like 10 minutes later he paused the show.

"I said I wanted to get to know you. So, what is your favorite show" He asked

"Well I have a lot of favorites. I can't pick just one but I like Pretty Little Liars, Scream Queens and Glee" I answered

"After seeing how scared you got after watching 5 minutes of The Walking Dead I can tell horror shows and movies aren't your favorite" He said and he laughed a little

"That's not 100% wrong" I said

"Ok next question. What's your love life like?" He asked

"What?" I asked. Why does he was to know? I thought in my head.

"You heard me. Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No. Why?"

"Just asking because you don't seem that into love and boyfriends and stuff like that. You barley even talk to Me, Peyton and Corey" he said

"I just don't want a boyfriend. Let's change the subject" I said back because I was super uncomfortable.

"Ok. I'm sorry. When do you have to leave?" He asked.

"I don't know. Probably soon because it is almost dinner time and your parents are probably going to be home soon" I said but the truth was I just really want to leave in general.

"Me parents are on a business trip. They won't be home until next week" He told me

"Oh well I better get going. Sarah probably wants me home to tell me all about what her and Peyton did today" I said and we both stood out and walked to the door.

"Thanks for inviting me over. I had fun" I said once we got to the door. Even though I was more uncomfortable then having fun.

"Thanks for coming over. I had fun too. Maybe we can do it again sometime" he said


"Bye Sabrina" he said

"Bye Bradley. Thanks again" I said and then I went home.

I was pretty much uncomfortable the entire time because we barley know each other and some random day he just a asks me to come to his house, alone.

{Hey guys. This is like the first real chapter where events actually happen. I hope you liked it!}

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