Chapter 22

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Bradley's POV:
I am doing it. I am asking Sabrina to be my girlfriend. I have been waiting to ask until I thought she was ready and now I know she is ready. I have no plans on how to ask her but I'm not letting Sarah plan it this time. I want to do it all my myself. I was thinking of inviting Sabrina to sleepover since I slept over at her house a few weeks ago when she was babysitting but that seems like something that would make her super uncomfortable. Maybe I do need Sarah's help on this. She's probably going to have to help me a lot with everything. She is like a love genius.

I'm texting her now to ask what she thinks.

Me: Hey Sarah. I need help

Sarah: Is it something about Sabrina?

Me: Yes

Sarah: I'm going to let you come up with it by yourself but here's a little advice. Everything in your relationship is probably going to go slowly.

Me: Ok. Just tell me if this is a good idea. Invite Sabrina over for a sleepover and ask her to be my girlfriend.

Sarah: What are you in middle school? I'm kidding (not really) Yeah it's a good idea. Just don't get her pregnant.

Me: I won't. Thanks.

And that's what I like about Sarah. She isn't afraid to speak her mind and sometimes she says some funny things because of it.

Ok so I'm putting my plan into action now. I'm going to ask Sabrina to sleepover on Friday night and we can go bowling or something and maybe like get pizza. I'm doing it.

I want to keep it simple because the other day when we had our like first date, I guess you could call it that, it was so big and special. This I want to be simple but still special.

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