Chapter 19

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Sarah's point of view:
Ok it's time I take over in this wall breaking crap.

So today I am planning on going over to Bradley's house and getting his side of the story and helping him break the brick wall for good. Sabrina deserves to be happy and be loved weather she wants to let's it in or not.
So I drive to Bradley's house and walk up to his front door and knock. He opens the door.

"Hey Sarah. What are you doing here? I would much rather have your sister here." He says.

"I'm just going to ignore the last thing you said. I am here to help you break this brick wall." I say.

"Ok come in" He says. I walk in and we go into his living room.

"When did you get your little crush in Sabrina?" I ask.

"8th grade" He says.

"Well it took you long enough to let her know" I say.

"She seemed to not be into boys at all. Eventually I just asked her" he says.

"I can see you aren't used to being asked all the questions" I say.

"Well I pretty much only hangout with Sabrina and it's normally me coming up with everything to do and talking the entire time" He says

"Yeah and then she comes home and talks about you for a hour" I say. I said to much

"Really?" He asks.

"Yeah. She goes on and on about how sweet you are and stuff like that" I say. Now I have said to much.

"That's awesome" He says really excitedly. I guess that is good news to him.

"What's your plan to break this brick wall" I ask.

"Um I don't know. Just to keep hanging out with her until it's gone" He says.

"Ok that's a terrible idea. I am going to help you with this. Here's my idea. I already started buying stuff for it. How about me and you decorate the backyard all nice and romantic with lights and stuff. Then you do basically dinner and a movie in your backyard but with a twist. I bought this projector for outside and it plays DVDs. Don't tell her I bought it. I want her to think you set this all up by yourself. Lie to her a say ones of your friends gave it to you. Then at the end of the night kiss her right on the lips." I say.

"I can't kiss her! I would so over step my boundaries and she would probably never talk to me again and run out of my house freaking out!" He says.

"Just do it. She will love it. Trust me I'm her sister" I say.

"Ok. So you will help me with all of this?"'He asks.

"Of course but not the kiss part. I just want to see her be loved by someone other then her family and I think you are the right guy for her Bradley" I say.

"Thanks " He says looking at the ground now. He probably still taking all this in.

"Your welcome" I say.

"Anything else I should know about your plan?" He asks.

I think for like 30 seconds. "Oh yeah. I almost forgot. You can't see her for a week" I say.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because it will be even more special. Just tell her you a busy planning something special." I say.

"But it's impossible to go a weekend without seeing her! How am I going to go a week?" He says.

"You are just going to have to. It will make it more special." I say.

"Fine" He says even though it was obvious that he wasn't fine with it.

"Ok well I better get going. I'll be over Friday to help you set up" I say

"Ok" He says and we start walking to the door. "Hey Sarah. Do you have any advice for me?" He asks.

"Break the brick wall but don't go far enough to break the heart" I say and with that I left.

He Broke Me {Brabrina} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now