Chapter 56

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Me and Bradley just finished our Palm Springs vacation and it was beautiful. We both agreed it was the best part of this trip so far. We just got to LA and have a lot planned for this trip. We are going to hike up to the Hollywood sign, walk on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame (the celebrities stars thing) and we also have our 1 year anniversary tomorrow so it's going to be fun.

"What do you want to do tomorrow?" Bradley asks me as we are sitting in our hotel room doing nothing because it is 10:00

"I don't really care as long as I get to spend it with you" I say.

"Cute but for real. I want to do something special" He says.

"What about just walking around LA and goes to all the celebrities stars. Keep it simple" I say

"If that's what you want to do then let's To it" He says.

*  *  *

Its the next day and me and Bradley just got up.

"Happy anniversary" I say

"Happy anniversary" He says back and kisses me. We kiss for about a minute then I pull away and we get our day started.

We leave the hotel and we go to the Hollywood Walk Of Fame first.

We get there and start walking over them. We saw Neil Patrick Harris, Billy Joel, Adam Sandler, Jennifer Aniston and Ellen DeGeneres's stars. And a lot of other people's but I didn't know who they were. We took pictures of a few of them then went to get breakfast. We went to a diner and ate and then went back out.

You feel like you are in a whole other world when you are in LA even though it is in the same state that I live in.

We went to a few souvenir shops and got stuff for ourselves and our families because they told us to get them stuff and we haven't yet.

After that we went back for the hotel for a little bit and went in the pool. After that we got dressed and went to a nice dinner.

We talked a lot about things that have to do with our relationship and before we were dating. Basically everything that had happened in the last year a couple months.

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