Chapter 39

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So it's the next day and Sarah didn't go to school. She faked the whole being sick thing to my parents even though she throws up anyway because of morning sickness. It's also a Friday so it's like she gets a 3 day weekend.

I haven't seen Peyton today but I'm sure he has gotten a few things said to him. He might have stayed home today too but I won't know until 6th period when we have lunch.

So I'm going to 3rd period when I heard mine and Sarah's name get called down the the principals office. I instantly got scared. Bradley told me everything will be fine and to just tell the truth. But being suspended wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

I walk down and Mr. Smith, the principal tells me to take a seat.

"So where's your sister today?" He starts off.

"She's at home sick" I say and my heart is beating so fast.

"Do you know why I called you down here?" He asks.

"No but I think I know why" I say.

"Well I know you and Sarah weren't in your 3rd period classes yesterday" He says.

"No we weren't. We cut class" I say and not look at him.

"You know that was wrong right?" He says.

"Yes. I do" I say.

"So I'm sure you know everyone gets a punishment when they cut class. So I'm going to suspend you and her for Monday but she will have to come down and talk to me on Tuesday" He says. I'm not going to lie I got a little excited.

"Ok" I say.

"Ok Miss. Carpenter I'll see you Tuesday and I'll call your parents later to tell them" He says.

"Ok bye" I say and get up to leave but for some reason I turned around. "Do you want to know why we cut class?" I say.

"I have been a principal for almost 6 years now. I know why kids cut class" He says.

"Well you don't know the reason why we cut class" I say.

"Do you want to sit back down and tell me?" He asks. I nod my head and sit back down.

"So you know how Sarah's pregnant" I say kind of quietly.

"Yes. I am aware" He says.

"So yesterday someone found out and told everyone. She was getting made fun of so she didn't want to go to class for a period and I stayed with her to comfort her" I say. I can tell he felt bad.

"You two are still suspended for Monday but I won't put it on both of your permanent records" He says.

"Thank you" I say. Then get up and leave. The lady in the main office writes me a pass and I go back to gym. Right way Bradley comes up to me. I'm kinda glad Sarah wasn't in the principals office with me. She probably would have done all the talking and then say something stupid and get us into even more trouble.

"What happened?" He asks.

"They knew me and Sarah cut class and me and her are suspended for Monday. Then I told him why we ditched and he said we are still suspended but it won't put on our permanent records" I say.

"Schools going to be so boring with out you" He says.

"I'm kind of excited and I'm sure Sarah will be two when she finds out she doesn't have to go back until Tuesday" I say.

So the rest of the day was fine. Then I got home, I go straight to Sarah's room.

"Hey Sarah. Ready to start your 4 day weekend and my 3 day weekend" I say.

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