Chapter 53

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It's time for me and Bradley's road trip. Both our parents are 100% ok with us going. Sarah's not as ok with it but that's alright, she's not my mom.

My parents did have some rules about going but they were as different from when we went to the beach house last year.

I just got my drivers license a few days ago so now I can drive. Bradley is probably going to be driving the RV the entire time though since I just started and he has been driving for months now.

So last summer me and Bradley planned for this trip to be a celebration that we got our drivers licenses. But this is also going to be a celebration for a year of us dating. We are going to be 'on the road' for our 1 year anniversary next week.

There's only one catch to this whole road trip thing, we aren't allowed to leave California. Me and Bradley planned it all out though. We are going to be gone for like 2 weeks. The first place we are going to go is San Francisco to go see the Full House house. After that Palm Springs. Then LA to go to the Hollywood Walk Of Fame and the Hollywood sign. After that we want to go to Sequoia National Park where they have the huge trees that you can go inside. Then we are going back home.

It's going to be a long but fun next 2 weeks. Tonight we are leaving and going to San Francisco. It's about a 4 hour drive from where I live and when we get there we are going to stay in a hotel.

At about 7:00 Bradley arrives at my house. He was planning on coming her at 6ish but when he went to pick the RV up he had to watch a 4 hour long video on how to drive it and stuff. He said it was awful and didn't think it would take that long,

I say bye to my mom, dad, Sarah and baby Avery. I don't know why but everyone calls her baby Avery, it's not like there is a older Avery that we know.

I take my suitcase and me and Bradley go inside the RV.

The RV was pretty big. There was a small kitchen and built in table with a small couch on the other side. In the back there was a bed and there was a bathroom with just a shower and toilet closed off on the other side of the bedroom.

"Ready?" He asks as he sits in the drivers seat.

"I'm ready" I say and sit in the seat next to him.

The front of a RV is very different from the front of the car. It's much more open and roomy in a RV.

We drove for about a hour and a half and talked and listened to music the entire time. We decided to stop and get gas for the truck and got some more snacks from the rest stop. It was probably like 8:30ish. Then we were off again to San Francisco.

"When are we going to be there?" I ask.

He looks at his phone, which he is using as a GPS. "Probably like 10:30 depending on traffic" He says.

"That's almost 2 hours" I say.

"I know. You can go take a nap or something if you want" He says and points to the back of the RV.

"No I'll stay here with you" I say.

"Wow. A year ago you would have said yes to that question if I asked it before I would even finish my sentence" He says.

"Times have changed" I say.

"I should have asked this before but are you sure you are not uncomfortable around me?" He asks.

"I'm 100 percent sure. I'm very comfortable around you and besides, I have been in way more uncomfortable situations the past year then being with you" I say.

He laughs and says "Name some"

"You already know all of them" I say.

"I know" He says and continues driving.

So for the next 2 hours he drove and I say there pretty much talking his ear off.

We finally get there and check into our hotel. We go up to our hotel room and changed into our pajamas and went into bed. It was just one big bed in the hotel room so we both slept in it.

"Goodnight" He says and kisses me.

"Goodnight" I say after I kiss him back.

Bradley almost went right to sleep. I stayed up for a little bit because I wasn't as tried as him. He's really cute while he's asleep.

After about a half an hour later I fall asleep.

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