Chapter 13

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It's the next day from me and Bradley's almost kiss and I am walking into first period. I go into the classroom and see Bradley at his normal seat and Peyton M. is right behind him. I take my seat next to Bradley.

"Hey" I said to both of them

"Hi B" Bradley says

"Hey Sabrina" Peyton says.

Me and Bradley talk for a little bit before class starts and Peyton is just sitting on his phone.

"Want to do like a squad hangout with just me, you, Rowan, Corey, Sarah and Peyton after school today?" Bradley asks

"Sure. Who's house should we go to?" I ask

"We have only been to my house like once as a group. We can go to mine" Bradley says

"Ok. I'll text Sarah and Rowan and see if they can come" I say

"Ok. I'll text Corey and Peyton C." Bradley says
I text Rowan and Sarah and Bradley texts Corey and Peyton. Right away I got a text back from Rowan saying her and Corey will come.

"Rowan is in and she said Corey is too" I say

"I didn't get a response back from either of them yet."

Then like 2 minutes later I get a text back from Sarah saying she will come.

"Sarah said she'll come" I say

"Peyton and Corey said they will too" He says.

"We got the entire squad to come!" I say happily. I'm mostly happy that I don't have to spend time alone with Bradley. I like him and all but the alone time gets very awkward. Just like last night and the day we played baseball.

After school:

All six of us met outside the school and started walking to Bradley's house.

"What should we do today?" Peyton C. asked

"We could play a board game" Rowan suggests.

"That's boring. Why don't we go swimming in Bradley's pool" Sarah says. Worst idea ever. I don't want Bradley to see me in a bathing suit just yet. Even though it is super hot outside because it is June in California. Which also means school is ending soon!!

"Yeah that sounds fun" Peyton said.

We all agreed to go back to our houses and get bathing suits then meet back at Bradley's at 3:30. So me and Sarah went home and got our bathing suits. I got some random blue 2 piece one. It's times like these where I wish I owned a 1 piece bathing suit. I throw my cloths over my bathing suit. Then Sarah drive back to Bradley's house.

We all walk in his house then go outside to his back yard. I was starting to get nervous. Everyone started taking off there shirts and shorts, so they were in there bathing suits. I tried not to look at Bradley. I was hesitant but I was the last one to take of my shirt and shorts off. I could feel Bradley staring at me but I just shook it off. I didn't want to like make a scene so I just got right in.

After about a hour and a half of playing around in the pool and keeping a distance from Bradley, even though he did come up to me and talk to my a few times, we decided to eat.

We all went inside and dried off and put our cloths on. We all agreed on pizza so Bradley ordered one to be delivered. We watched tv for a little bit until the pizza came. We all sat on the couches in his hangout room and ate pizza. I sat next to Rowan and she sat next to Corey on a like long couch. Sarah and Peyton were sitting on a couch together and Bradley was all by himself on the single person couch that I say on the first day he invited me over. While we were eating I got a text from Bradley.

Bradley: Can you stay after everyone leaves?
I look up at him and he is looking at me. I look back at my phone a start texting him back.

Me: Why?

Bradley: Just please stay.
Me: Fine.

We all finished eating and everyone was starting to get ready to leave.

"Hey guys, I'm going to stay here for a little while longer" I say.

"Ok. Im going to Peyton's then" Sarah says. I think it's funny how she just invites herself over to his house all the time.

We all say goodbye and thank you and everything. Then, all of them leave and now it's just me and Bradley alone in the house because his parents were working late.

"So, why did you want me to stay?" I ask once he closes the door.

"Because I barley talked to you when Sarah, Corey, Rowan and Peyton were here and I was most looking forward to talking to you while hangout with the squad" He says.

"Aw that's kind of cute" I say. He is so nice and sweet.

"You know you were pretty hot in your bathing suit" He says. It's cute when he flirts with me.

"Thanks." I say and smile looking at the ground.

"Want to go back down stairs and watch tv?" He asks

"Sure" I say and we go down stairs and I sit on the long couch that me, Rowan and Corey were sitting on. He sits on the same couch he sat on while everyone was over. I'm guessing he is sitting there to not make me feel uncomfortable.

"You know you can come sit next to me" I say.

I see a smile appear on his face and he comes on to the couch and sits next to me. Then for about a hour we watch tv and talked about nothing really important. After that I decided to leave because it was 7:30 and I still haven't done my homework. He walks me to the door.

"Bye Bradley. Thanks for inviting me over. I had fun" I say and hug him because why not.

"I had fun too" He says and hugs me back.

Then I let go and left. I walked home and Sarah still wasn't there. She would probably end up coming home at like 12am.  I did my homework, took a shower and was lying in my bed on my phone and Bradley texts me.

Bradley: Thanks for coming over today and thanks for that hug. I really liked it.

Me: You welcome. I liked it too.

I didn't get a text back. He was probably to busy freaking out but not in a bad way, in his room because I said that. He is slowly breaking me.

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