The Last Author's Note

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So that was He Broke Me. I can't believe it is actually over. I want to thank everyone who has read it, voted on it or commented on it.

I can't put into words how much this story means to me. I just love it and it's like it is a piece of me now.

I just want to apologize for the last like 20 chapters or so being totally rushed and very short. I hope the last chapter really made up for it because it took me 3 weeks to write that chapter.

So to kind of 'replace' this story I'm going to be posting one called "The Ice Cream Man" it's not a Brabrina story. It's Peybrina. The first chapter will be posted today (July 1st) and is probably already posted (I'm wrote this little sum up on June 23rd) It's probably going to be really short. I only plan on writing like 15 - 20 chapters.

After that story is completed I'm going to be posting another Brabrina story called "Parenting" It's the totally opposite of this story. In this one Sabrina isn't welcoming to love or the idea of love. But in Parenting she is and she loves Bradley so much that she wants a baby with him. She doesn't exactly get a baby but they do adopt two children, Auggie and Ocean who she loves just as much as she would a biological child. The first 3 chapters are posted now so you can go read them if you want. I'm going to start posting chapters regularly in September.

So to give you like a final summary of this story.

Bradley and Sabrina are endgame, souls mates, OTP whatever you want to call them. After the day at the park they met up a week later for a unofficial date and to reconnect more. They start dating again and living together after dating for about 6 months. After about a year and a half Bradley proposes. Sabrina did take a little bit of time to say yes but eventually she did. Bradley's kids loved Sabrina and considered her their stepmom and Sabrina loved them too and considered them her step children. His kids were extremely excited to find out that they were going to have a little half sister soon when after 2 years of being married Sabrina gets pregnant. They had a baby girl named Olivia. (That was originally what I planned on naming Avery then changed it last second) Which Bradley later on found out that, that was Sabrina's 'first time'. So everyone did get there happily ever after.

I wish I could tell the whole ending to the story in actual chapters and have more detail but I'm not. Im just going to leave it at this for Brabrina but I am doing a prequel.

Prequel information:

I did promise a prequel. It isn't going to be based on Brabrina though. It's going to be Peyrah. It's going to start at the very beginning when they first start developing feelings for each other (9th grade) and continue until they are like 22 years old. You are going to get all of Sarah's feelings about everything that has taken place in this story to the baby and learn more about Peyton and Sarah's relationship from this story. The Peyrah story might actually be longer then this one but I don't know yet. I am going to hold off on writing it since I just finished this one and already have so many other plans. This story will probably post this story in early September too.

So to conclude my little love letter to this story. I can't believe it is actually over. Thank you for reading ❤️

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