Chapter 40

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{This chapter accidentally got deleted. So I'm republishing it}

It's Monday and I have no school or I have school I'm just not allowed to go because me and Sarah got suspended for the day. My plan for the day was to just do nothing. I have never been suspended before so I don't know what to do. My parents went to work since it's a Monday so it's just me and Sarah home alone. I hear the doorbell ring but I don't get up to get it because I thought Sarah would.

"Sabrina go get the door" Sarah yells from her room.

"Fine" I yell back and get off my bed and go downstairs.

I open the door and it's Bradley and Peyton.
"What are you guys doing here?" I ask.

"We took off from school to hang out with you and Sarah today" Bradley says.

"Ok. Come in" I say and they both walk in.

"Sarah come down stairs" I yell up the stairs.

"What is it" She asks walking slowly down the stairs.

"Your baby daddy is here" I say and I hear her walk faster.

"Hi Peyton and Bradley" She says and gives me the death stare and I do a little evil smirk thing.

"Hi" They both say back.

"Want to go to Disneyland? Peyton said he would drive us" Bradley asks me.

"Sure" I say.

"Ok. Want to get dressed first" Bradley asks because I was still in my pajamas and I didn't even notice.

"Yeah. I'll be right back" I say and run upstairs

"Me too" Sarah says and follows me.

I go upstairs and get dressed and brush my hair and teeth really fast. I didn't put on makeup because I don't have time and I just really didn't care.

I go back downstairs and Sarah is already down there. All 4 of us get in the car. Peyton drove and Sarah sat in the passengers seat and then me and Bradley sat in the back.

The car ride was about a hour long. We got there and me and Bradley got out of the car.

"What time do you want us to pick you up?" Peyton asks through the window.

"I don't know like 8ish" Bradley says.

"Ok" Peyton says and they leave.

We get our passes to go in and go inside.

"What do you want to go on first" Bradley asks.

"Want to go on Haunted Mansion?" I ask.

{I have never been to Disneyland and have no idea what any of the rides there are called so I'm just looking up rides there. If anything isn't like really at the real Disneyland I'm sorry}

"Ok. Let's go" He says and we start walking over to it and he holds my hand.

We go to the ride and it was really fun. It wasn't too scary. After that we went on a few more rides. My favorite that we went on was the Car's ride.

After that we got lunch and then went to sit at a table to each

"Aren't you like supposed to be grounded and stay at home all day when you get suspended?" Bradley asks.

"Probably but I told my parents the story on why we got cut class and they didn't punish us" I say.

"My parents would have been so mad at me" He says.

"Are they ever going to find out that you ditched school today?" I ask.

"They probably won't and I really hope they don't" He says.

"This has seriously been the perfect. It's a Monday and the school isn't letting me go to school and I got to go to Disneyland with you" I say.

"It has been the best day of my life" He says.

"Me too" I say

"I have a question." Bradley says.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I should have asked you this sooner but it's something I thought about for a long time. How come you didn't want a boyfriend? Is there like some sort of backstory or something" He asks.

"I don't know. I never really thought about the reason why. I used to think I was asexual but now I don't think I am or I know I am not. It's kinda confusing" I say.

"It's just something I think about a lot. I don't know why" Bradley says.

"It's ok. I like that you think about me" I say.

"Do you think about me a lot?" He asks.

I didn't really know how to answer that. I do think about him often, not like so much that I would seen like a stalker. I don't really know. I feel like I have been pretty distracted lately trying to help Sarah and all. "Yeah. I do. I mostly think about the future of our relationship" I say.

"And what do you imagine in the future" He asks.

"That's such a hard question. Umm I think a lot about just the future and your in it. Sometimes I wonder if we are ever going to break up. I hope we don't but we don't really know anything about the future until we live it so we don't really know what's to come." I say. I felt kind of bad telling him about if we break up in the future. I don't want him to think that I want our relationship to end.

"It's ok. I get it. Nothing is really set in stone and we won't know until we are older. But I do hope we stay together forever though" He says.

"Me too" I say.

We finish our lunch then go on a lot more rides and play a few games. Bradley won me a giant stuffed animal which was really cool.

At about 8 Peyton and Sarah come to get us.
All for of us are in the car. Peyton and Sarah are in the front and me and Bradley are in the back. The same as the trio here.

"So what did you to do today?" I ask Peyton and Sarah.

"We really just walked around LA and that was it" Sarah says.

"Cool" I say.

All four of us talked on the ride home. Once we got back to me and Sarah's house we all said bye and everything then I went up to my room and went to bed for the night since I was exhausted.

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