Chapter 25

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So me and Sarah are driving to Peyton's right now to tell him. I really don't want to because you never know what is going to happen. He could say that he wants nothing to do with her and the baby but I doubt he is going too.

I get a text from Bradley.

Bradley: Hey what are you doing today?

Me: I found out what was wrong with Sarah last night. I'm not going to tell you just yet because it is kind of big. Im the only person that knows so far. And to answer your question, we are going to tell Peyton's today.

Bradley: Ok. Want to come over once you are done?

Me: I'll let you know after depending on what happens.

"You can tell him if you want. I know he won't really care" Sarah says talking about Bradley. She was probably reading my texts over my shoulder.

"I'm not going to just yet" I say

We arrive at his house and we are still sitting in the car.

"I don't want to do this" She says.

"I don't want to either but trust me it won't be that bad" I say.

"Yeah for you" She says. I think she is referring to the whole baby thing in general.

"Alright let's go" I say. We get out of the car and go up to his front door. Sarah knocks and I am standing behind her. He opens the door.

"Hey Sarah and Sabrina" He says.

"Hi" She says with no emotion.

"Hey" I say a little happier. We go inside. He parents weren't home which was good. I have only been to his house like twice for a dinner with both of our family's. All 3 of us go and sit on his couch.

"So what's up?" He says. Sarah doesn't say anything so I speak up.

"Sarah just come right out and say it" I say. I can already tell she is trying to be strong and holding back tears.

"I'm pregnant" She says looking at her feet.

I look at Peyton's face and his expression totally changed. Before he was excited because Sarah has been ignoring him for a few days and he was excited to see her. Now he looks like he has a lot of mixed feelings. I don't think he really knows what to say. He was just hit with the news that he is going to be a dad and he is only 18 years old and going into his senior year of high school. I didn't know what to say either last night so I don't blame him for not saying anything. I'm sure they are both feeling the same things. After about a minute or two of silence Sarah finally looks up from the ground and looks at him. He wasn't looking at anything in particular but he just wasn't looking at her. Then he looks back at her. They both don't say anything and go in and hug each other.

"I love you" Peyton whispers but I could still hear it.

"I love you too" She whispers back and about to cry. I look away. Let them have here little moment or whatever. They stop hugging.

"Ok so I'm going to go to Bradley's house because I don't really know why I needed to come here. So have fun figuring things out" I say and get up.

"Bye" The both say

"Bye" I say and leave. I start walking to Bradley's and I text him.

Me: On my way. Be there in like 5

Bradley: Can't wait.

5 minutes later I show up at his house and knock on his door. He answers it.

He Broke Me {Brabrina} (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ