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"It's good to let you in again" ~ "Bruises" by Train and Ashley Monroe

14 years later:

I haven't seen Bradley since the night he broke up with me. We texted a few times after that but 2 months later we completely stopped talking.

It's funny how someone who could mean so much to you at one time in your life could mean nothing to you now. I still think about him every once in a while but not very often. I'm not upset about us breaking up anymore. I got over that by the end of the summer that year.

I have no idea what is going on in Bradley's life anymore or where he lives or anything because we have no connection or communication anymore. Sarah, Rowan or Peyton don't talk to him anymore and I don't talk to Corey so maybe him and Corey still talk but I have no idea.

I have had 2 other boyfriends since him and ones of the guys name was Bradley too. What a coincidence. Those relationships weren't as serious or as long as my relationship with Bradley. Love just isn't my thing I guess. My brick wall has built itself back up since my last boyfriend which was about a year ago but it isn't as strong anymore. It's more of a glass wall and can be broken very easily.

I still live in California. I came back after college because this is where all my friends and family are and I missed them like crazy. I am 30 years old now.

Rowan and Corey broke up 2 months after we started college. I kinda expected it though but they never got back together and don't speak anymore. Me and Rowan are still close friends but I don't talk to Corey anymore either. We were never really that close even when Rowan and Corey were dating. No one really knows what happened to Corey or where he is now or just anything about him.

Sarah and Peyton are still together, actually they are married now. They did break up 2 times but still saw each other a lot because of baby Avery (it was a totally disaster when they broke up) or now she is 15 so I guess we can't call her baby Avery anymore. She is still there only kid. You can just tell she is Sarah and Peyton's kid. She has the same funniness and craziness about her that Sarah had when she was a teenager. She is also like Peyton because she does have her quiet side but that she doesn't show often. I don't think they are going to have another kid but if they do I want it to be a boy. And Sarah was always a better sister then she is a mom so I'm sure Avery would be a really good sister.

I get a knock on the door of my house and it's my niece, Avery. She comes over a lot just to hang out and eat all my food. She claims I have better snacks at my house.

"Aunt Sabrina I need help" She says.

"What is it?" I ask. She sometimes comes to me for advice and serious conversations like Sarah did.

"I think I'm asexual. Mom told me to come and talk to you" She says and she was a little panicked and probably nervous.

"Come sit down. I'm going to tell you a little story" I say

* * *

"So this kid, named Bradley who crushed on you so hard that he would actually try for months to date you?" Avery asked when I finished telling her the entire story on me and Bradley's relationship. Which took almost 2 hours.

"Yeah he did but he's not really a kid anymore he's double your age. He did change me for the better though" I say.

"Do you think that will ever happen to me?" She asks.

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