Chapter 21

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So it's the next day and I can 100% say the brick wall is gone. I am really excited to see what comes next in me a Bradley's relationship. Like are we going to become boyfriend and girlfriend or are we just going to have that one kiss and kiss on the cheek and that is it.

You are probably wondering how I know the brick wall is gone. Well I'm now not against dating anymore like I used to be but I think the brick wall is only broken for Bradley. I don't want to date any other guy but him. I love how much he did for me just to get close to me and break my wall. He is such a good guy.

So today I have no plans. I think I am going to invite Rowan over and tell her all about last night then hangout with her for a little bit and that's it.

Then I get a text from Bradley.

Bradley: Can we meet somewhere to talk about last night? I'm sure you're kind of confused because I am a little

Me: Sure. Meet me at the coffee shop at 1

Bradley: Ok. See you soon

Is it too soon to see him? I mean this just happened yesterday. We should have probably taken at least 2 or 3 days until we saw each other.

Then Sarah walks into my room.

"Can I help you get ready today?" She asks.

"How do you know I'm going anywhere and wouldn't you rather be with Peyton?" I ask.

"I just know all your plans and I would choose you over Peyton any day" She says.

That was kind of sweet but I am really starting to think she bugged my phone or something and can now read all my texts.

"Thanks. Sure you can help me" I say. This is a good opportunity to find out what she knows.

"Ok good. So you are going to wear something kind of nice but not like over dressed" She says.
"So a sweatshirt and sweatpants won't work?" I ask more as a joke.

"No" She says and starts going through my closet. After like 5 minutes she tells me to put on a light pink shirt and leggings. Then I go to the bathroom and change then come out and she starts doing my makeup but not too much. I don't even know why I need it unless he was planning something else huge today.

"So did Bradley tell you what he was doing yesterday before it happened" I ask. I know she knows something.

"He might have told me his plan about a week ago" She says then pauses for a minute. "And I might have told him it was terrible and took over the entire thing" She says quieter this time.

"Yeah I figured you knew but I didn't think you actually helped in planning it" I say.

"Yeah. His original plan was pretty terrible" She says and giggles while she finished my makeup.

"Thank you for everything" I say.

"Your welcome. Have fun" She says.

"Thanks" I say and we both leave my room. She goes into her room probably getting ready to go with Peyton and I go downstairs. I go out the door and start walking to the coffee shop because it is only like a 5 minute walk to my house.

I get there and he is waiting outside for me.

"Hi B" He says.

"Hi" I say back and we walk inside.

We order ourselves a coffee and a cookie for each of us. Then sit a table. It's a 2 person table so I'm sitting across from him.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I ask

"About yesterday and what happens next" He says.

"Ok well all I know is that yesterday was magical and that kiss was amazing. I don't even know how to put it into words and the wall is gone so mission accomplished for you I guess" I say.

"Well you have really changed your whole outlook on love and boyfriends" He says.

"Yeah. I kinda did. So what do you know?" I ask

"I know what I want to happen in the future. I also know that kiss was everything I wanted it to be. I didn't expect this to come so soon though and I loved yesterday" He says. It was silent for about 30 seconds. I really didn't know what to say. "What do you want for the future?" He asks.

"I think I know what I want. Can I tell you something?" I ask

"You can tell me anything." He says.

That made me feel so safe with him and that he won't tell anyone. "I think the brick wall is only gone for you" I say.

"Good because I want to be the only guy in your life" He says.

"Good" I say. I want to date him more then ever right now. He is so sweet I just can't handle it. And I might be even more confused about what is going to happen next more then before.

We both finished our coffee and talked for a little bit about other stuff other then our relationship. Then we both get up and start walking out the door.

"Bye Sabrina" He says.

"Bye Bradley" I say and then we hug for about 30 seconds.

I really hopes he asks me to be his girlfriend soon because now I really want to.

{The next chapter will be in Bradley's POV.}

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