Chapter 23

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Back to Sabrina's POV:

So today is Friday. I have nothing planned as usual. I was thinking a do nothing movie day or maybe taking Auggie and Ocean to the park if they are free because 4 and 8 year olds are normally really busy.

Then Sarah walked into my room.

"Hi. I have a question" She says kind of shyly and not like her at all. She sits on my bed facing me.

"What is it?" I ask.

"If Bradley asked to to be his girlfriend like this second would you say yes?" She asks not looking at me. I think for a minute. I don't really know what I would say.

"Probably yes." I say but I wasn't too sure if I really would.

"Ok" She says. Looking at me this time.

"What's wrong?" I ask because it is clear something is bothering her. She isn't very happy, loud, say whatever is on her mind Sarah.

"I don't know. You getting a boyfriend just means you growing up and I don't like that fact" She says.

"That's not a good reason to be upset over. Go back to being your normal self. I don't like seeing you upset" I say. I think there is something more then that but I'm not going to ask her now.

"Ok." She says and leaves my room. That was weird.

I sit in my room for a little bit watching tv and then I get a text from Bradley.

Bradley: Hey want to sleep over tonight?

Me: Sure.

I'm so ready to be uncomfortable the entire time. I'm probably going to want to leave The entire time. But right now I just really want to see him.

Bradley: Be at my house at 6

Sabrina: Ok.

So I wait around until 5 o'clock to start packing. I just pack pajamas and cloths for tomorrow and my tooth brush and hair brush and that's really all I need. I don't need to bring a suit case full of stuff for just 1 night. Then a little later at like 5:45 Sarah drives me to his house. She is still acting weird. She seems kind of nervous too.

"Thanks Sarah" I say when we get out of the car.

"Your welcome" She says not looking at me. She is acting very weird. I'll find out tomorrow.
I get out of the car and walk up to his front door step. I ring the door bell and he answers.

"Hey B" He says

"Hi Bradley" I say and walk inside.

"My parents won't be home tonight so we have the place to ourselves" He says. That made me a little nervous but I'll be fine.

"Cool. So what do you have planned for tonight because I know you always have something planned for when we hang out" I say.

"Bowling and pizza? Keep it simple." He says.

"Sounds perfect" I say.

"Want to do pizza first since I am starving" He asks.

"Sure" I say. We go to the pizza place and we both order a regular slice each. Then we sit at a table.

"So what's new in your life?" He asks.

"Well the brick wall is gone and that's been pretty new" I start then he cuts me off.

"Because of me" He says.

"I wasn't finished" I say.

"Go on" he says.

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