Chapter 7

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So it's Wednesday and I just had a typical day at school. Nothing really exciting happened. I promised Rowan I would help her babysit two little kids after school. She said its her mom's friend's sons and she has babysat them before. She said the parents won't be home until like one in the morning so we probably won't have to go to school tomorrow which was the only reason I said yes. Rowan's mom was going to pick me up from my house and drive me and Rowan to there house at five. I just got home from school and it was only three. I had sometime to do my homework before I start chasing around two little kids. I have never been babysitting before so I really don't know what to expect.

*Time jump*

We just arrived at the kids hous and me and Rowan got out of the car.

"Thanks Mrs. Blanchard" I said

"Thanks mom" Rowan said and we both walked up to the door and Rowan knocked.

There mom opened the door and let us in. She told us what to do with them all night like bed times and stuff I guess. I hope Rowan was listening because I wasn't. The boys mom and dad left and me and Rowan went upstairs to see them. There was a older boy with dark curly hair and his name was Auggie. He was eight years old. The other boy was younger with blondish curly hair and his name was Ocean. He was four years old. At first I thought they were going to be super annoying, bratty kids but after like 10 minutes of playing it turns out they weren't and they are so sweet and really cute. Me and Rowan spent about half the night taking pics with them.

"How old are you?" Ocean asked me.

"I'm 15" I told him.

"I'm 4" He said and held up 4 fingers. I laughed a little. I turned to Rowan and said "Instead of babysitting can we just take them home and keep them forever" I said with Ocean in my lap, reading a book.

"I wish we could but I don't think there parents would want us kidnapping them especially on your first day." She said with Auggie sitting across from her and they were playing connect 4.

After a half an hour of playing and talking, it was about 5:45 at that point, I got a text from Bradley. He asked what I was doing and if I was home. I texted back and said I'm not at home. I'm babysitting tonight. I probably won't be in school tomorrow. So see you Friday. He texted me back but I just ignored and decided to respond after we put Auggie and Ocean to sleep.

As the night continued me, Ocean and Auggie got pretty close. I gave Auggie the nickname Augster because it sounds cool and I didn't give Ocean a nickname because is name is already so perfect.

Then 9:00 came and Rowan said we had to put them to bed. I was kind of sad because I wanted to keep playing with them. I was probably having just as much fun as they were.

We went upstairs into there room. Rowan helped Ocean put his pajamas on and Auggie put on his pajamas by himself. They climbed into there beds and we said goodnight to them. Rowan gave them each a kiss on the forehead since she has known them for a while. I just hugged them both.

Then we both went to the living room and watched tv. Rowan sent a picture of Ocean kissing her cheek to Corey to make him jealous I guess. It was pretty funny. I like randomly got the idea to send one to Bradley of Auggie kissing me but that would be weird since we aren't dating. He probably still would have gotten jealous though. Speaking of Bradley I forgot to respond to his text!

Me: Hey Bradley. Sorry I didn't respond before. I was playing with the kids. We just put them to bed so now we can text for a while if you want.

Bradley: Hey B. It's ok. I figured you were busy. How was babysitting?

Me: It was so much fun and the boys where so cute!

Bradley: That's cool. They better not steal my girl from me. Why won't you be in school tomorrow?

Me: First of all I'm not your girl. They are way cuter then you though. The parents said they won't be home until like one in the morning so my parents said I don't have to go if I don't want to and of course I said yes because who wouldn't want a day off.

Bradley: Looks like I have some competition. If you want I can get all of your homework from your classes for you and drop it off at your house tomorrow.

Me: It's ok Bradley. You don't have to. I'll just get it on Friday.

Bradley: Ok. Text me if you get bored.

Me: Ok. Talk to you later.

*End of text*

"Did you have fun tonight? I could tell you really didn't want to babysit" Rowan asked me.

"Yeah I really did. I only came because I wanted a day off from school. I thought it was going to suck and the kids would be little monsters like you see in movies but they were actually really good" I said

"They are like the sweetest kids ever! I love them and they seemed to really like you." Rowan said

Then we went back to watching tv and we stayed up until the parents got home. My mom came and picked me and Rowan up and dropped her off at her house. Then I went home and went to sleep.

{I hope you guys liked this chapter! I want to get away from boyfriend drama for a chapter and do a little Rowbrina thing. I also wanted to include Auggie and Ocean in a chapter or 2 because they are never included in many fanfics that I read and if they are its normally just Auggie and he only has like 1 sentence or doesn't even speak at all and he is just there}

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