CHAPTER 1: Where It All Began.

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I was the only black girl at the university. I had to move to Korea last spring because my university issued a transfer letter to me. I was so good at dance that they had to send me to Korea to learn it professionally.

I was a person that normally kept a small circle of friends around me and prefered to go unnoticed in whatever public setting I am in.

I thought to myself: I already look different with my dark skin, why send me over here??? I love my quiet unnoticeable life. Aaarrgghhh!!!! This is so unfair. Now everyone will easily notice me and their curiosity will be a daily thing. #Agony

As i thought this, I paced around the university trying to find the dance class. Walking down the hall, I moved hesitantly as I looked at each label on every door I passed by.

I felt a tap on my shoulder from behind me. I turned around and saw a tall handsome guy with reasonable muscle build. His hair was cut in the sides and he had an intelligent look about him.

"Hi....I believe you are new here"? He turned his head to the side as if to study my face from a different angle.

"Yes I did you know"?

"Well I saw you wandering around and thought I should help. Besides, we have never had any black girls attend our school so I was really excited when someone like you got here".

I raised one eyebrow and simply said an "Oh".
Well i guess this will be the first case of curiosity I encounter here and I am sure there is plenty more where that came from.

"Sorry for my name is Namjoon". He stretched out his hand expecting a handshake from me.

I pulled out my hand from under the documents I was holding to give him a handshake.

"Nice to meet you. My name is YN".

He had a sharp smile. "Shall we get started then? I'll show you around and help you get to the place you are looking for. Where should you be?"

"Dance class".

"You are a dancer"? He asked with a curious expression.

"Well, I wouldnt call myself one but my previous lecturers-"

Before I could finish, Namjoon was already blabbering about how he is so bad at dance but still has to learn it for his career.

"Well is it that bad that you would lose your career if you didnt"? I asked with a rather surprised expression.

"Not really, but still..its something I must do. It adds to the appeal".

Before I could try to understand his words, He walked ahead of me. "Shouldnt we be heading off?".

"Oh, sure". I followed him.

"This hall we are in is the Math department. The Art department is on the 4th floor." He explained without looking back at me. "Lets take the elevator", he suggested.

We walked in and found a bunch of people. I discreetly attempted to squeeze myself in. To my right was a tall female who had around her neck a whistle. I guessed she was the PE teacher. To my left was a man that held a musical book close to his chest....suggesting he was the music teacher. "I guessed we were all going to the same floor." I thought to myself.

We reached the 4th floor and as soon as we got out the elevator, everyone quickly dispersed to their respective destinations.

"This way", Namjoon motioned with his thumb, index finger and middle finger. He led me to the door which opens to the dance studio.

He turned around to face me. "This is it."

"Thanks so much, i dont think it would have been easy in me without some help".

"Dont mention it, I still have to show you around the university so my work is not yet done".

I laughed a little. "No problem, I really appreciate it".

"Can I have your number then? As a way of showing your appreciation?" He surprisingly had a puppy face on rather than the usual flirty faces guys would have when asking for girls' numbers. That puppy face alone made me relax and gladly gave out my digits.

"Ill text you later, for now settle down into your first class".

"Thanks again". I turned around to open the door to the studio.

As soon as I opened the door, all eyes fell on me as though the act was orchestrated by the gods above. Feeling like my skin is being scotched by all those stares, I quickly paced across the room to the teacher's desk and showed him my papers.

He nodded and silently motioned my towards the group of students.

I walked all the way to the back just to avoid the stares.

The teacher stood up. "We have a new comer today, her name is y/n. She transferred here. Feel free to intereact with each other." He stated in a robotic tone without much emotion.

"Now, for our first class of the semester.....I have prepared pairing exercises."

Students in front of me groaned with disappointment at the possibility of being paired with a person they didnt want.

He read out the list of pairings as people started to find their partners. When he got to my name he paused...."Looks like y/n does not have a partner."

Just then a student walked into the dance studio with an uninterested facial expression as though he was dragged to school by his hair.

"Ah, right on time.....Hoseok....your partner is YN." The teacher said.

Hoseok looked over at me after the teacher motioned his hand towards me.

He walked over to me and stood in front of me. I looked up at him without much thought. He was so handsome at close range. He had a blank expression at first probably because he was flustered by the sudden announcement made by he teacher on his partnership with me.

As the teacher organised his papers to prepare to read out the lesson, Hoseok looked at me this time with a curious expression. "New here? Never seen someone like you in this university before".

"Yeah, just transferred here".

"Cool, I look forward to your stay here".

It sounded a little wierd for him to say that but i thought to myself that small talk is better than no talk at all.

"Ok class get ready, y/n since you transferred here why dont you show us some of the ballroom skills you have?"

I nodded and walk to the front with Hoseok. The teacher pressed play and classical ballroom music filled the room. Hoseok immediately grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. I did not expect that action and so the hairs on the back of my neck rose. I attempted to keep my breathing under control.

"Follow my lead" he whispered in my ear.


A/N: As you may have already noticed, I have decided to keep all references to YN as a black girl. Im a black girl after all *duh*. Ever since i started reading ffs, i have never come across any where the girl was black so here i am to fill in that spot and represent my crew.

Plus this is my first ff. Im nervous af.

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