CHAPTER 16: The Altercation

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Hoseok decided to sit by the bar. He didnt notice me when I came back from the rest room. Jin had seen me at that point and decided to introduce me to some of his friends.

As we chatted altogether, Jin remembered he had to check on a snack he was making for himself in the kitchen and left me with his friend.

"So you said your name was YN right? You're really pretty. Jin did not lie at all".

"Thank you".

"Come let me show you something. We can go outside for it. Its something Jin showed me the first time I came here"

"Sure, lets go".

Hoseok gulped down another glass of wine when he saw me talk to Jin's friend. Jealousy consumed him to his core.

Why is she with him and not with me?

We walked outside. The night air tickled my big puffy afro which I had tied up neatly.

"Ever looked at the stars and wondered what they say to each other?". He asked.

It was an odd question. "Uh I dont know, I never thought about it".

"Well I think they try to outshine each other sometimes and forget that they are all stars that twinkle".

His analysis made sense to some degree but I guess he was just making small talk. We were not far from the house when we stopped walking.

With a brief amount if silence, he came dangerously close to me. Before I could react he grabbed my waist and pulled me in.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"Cant you tell?"

He tried to kiss me. I ducked. His grip got stronger to keep me steady.

He tried to kiss me again.

"No! Let me go!" I struggled desparately.

A hand grabbed his shoulder and turned him away from me with full force.

"Dont you dare touch my woman!" Hosoek said with with a punch to the guy's face. He fell down feeling dazed.

I stood in front of him and held his chest with both my hands. "Hosoek please stop, you're drunk!"

"He dared to touch you! Im still waiting for your answer and he dared to touch you! How is any of this ok?!" He snapped at me.

The other guy stood up and came at Hoseok.

"Hoseok look out!"

Hoseok equally recieved a punch that sent him to the ground. He got up in seconds and tackled Jin's friend to the ground and got on top of him....sending him punch after punch.

I had never seen Hosoek so violent. He became a different person.

I dont know who I see before me. Is this the man that I have feelings for? Where is Hoseok?

The eerie feeling that first overcame me when he danced solo came back to me with an intensity I couldnt describe. My heart felt heavy and breathing became difficult to achieve.

Back at the party, Jin wondered where I had disappeared to. "Yah Namjoon-ah, where's YN....she was right here".

"I thought you were with her".

Just then Namjoon and Jin heard me shout for help. They ran out the house to see the fiasco going on. "Yah yah yah!!! Hoseok-ah!!! Enough!!! Jin shouted.

Both grabbed him from behind. "Dont ever touch her again!" Hoseok screamed with rage.

Both were bloody and bruised. The other guy stumbled to his feet with Jin's help while Namjoon kept Hoseok from charging at him again.

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