CHAPTER 48: Reality

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"Hoseok-ah, you have been in there for 3 days now. Please open up, you need to eat something". Ms. Kwon was so worried.

Jin and Namjoom had also tried to lure him out of his room but nothing worked. Mr. Seo equally failed to get him out and was worried that if he missed too many sessions, they would not make progress.

It was then that Mr. Seo decided to meet me. He called for me to come over. He and Ms. Kwon spoke to me in the library. Everything was explained to me......including what happened to Hoseok when he was five and that he had referred to me in his hypnotic state.

My eyes went wide in disbelief. Tears flowing so easily. I am so stupid for judging him.....for leaving him when I should have been there. He had a hard time.

"We are telling you this because we believe it has something to do with your relationship."

"I still dont understand how I am part of the equation." I said as I attempted to control my emotions.

Mr. Seo began to speak. "Think about it....his father strangled his mother, a person he loved and you are his current love......this alone must have triggered his forgotten memories".

Mr. Seo paused before he continued to speak. "We have been trying to get him to remember that memory that his mind erased due to how painful it is and somehow......his mother's image is replaced with your own."

My hands were shaking as I heard every word Mr. Seo said. I couldnt bring myself to speak.

"We need him to remember so that he can start the healing process the correct way. We should have helped him through it, instead we thought it was better for him to we regret that decision".

Ms. Kwon at this point was already shedding tears. Her only sister's son went through so much and she blamed herself for not being there for him the way the should have.

" this why he has nightmares all the time?" My voice was uncontrollably shaky.

"Sadly, yes". Mr. Seo answered simply.

"Where is he right now?"

"He has been in his room for 3 days. He wont let anyone talk to him....we dont know why he is doing this." Ms. Kwon said.

"I know why".

Both their eyes shot up at me confused.

"The other day, we a little physical and he literally backed away thinking he had hurt me."

Mr. Seo butted in. "Could it be, that his dreams are manifesting physically or......he remembers it all? Ms. Kwon qiuckly looked at him.

My eyes widened at his statement.

"YN, he might be a danger to you". Mr. Seo did not mince his words.

"No, he would never hurt me, he-"

"Loves you? That is not disputable, but if his dreams start to merge with reality with only a blurred line in between he will become someone else".

Mr. Seo's words hurt so bad. Fresh tears poured uncontested. But he spoke the truth in as much as I didnt want to hear it.

"I need to see him". I rushed out of the library towards his room. Banging on the door, I shouted his name with a painful pounding sensation in my chest. "Hoseok!!"

Hoseok jolted at the sudden sound of my voice. He had been on the floor. Sitted with his knees to his chest, he had been crying for 3 days. "YN?" He whispered.

"Hoseok please!" I sniffed away some tears only for more tears to pour.

He struggled to walk to the door. He was weak and had not eaten for days. He placed his ear to the door and heard my soft sobs.

YN, I have to stay away from you.

I banged on the door constantly until my fist hurt. I slowly turned away when I was convinced he wasnt going to open up.

The door clicked and I turned my head to see a frail and weak Hoseok emerge from the dark room.

My heart dropped as I threw myself at him. Pulling him into a tight hug, my tears flowed down his chest. "I know everything. Now please dont avoid me".

"My mother....she...."

"Shhhhh.....its going to be ok. Im not leaving you."

Mr. Seo exclaimed. "You remember?!"

Hoseok looked up at him and give him a weak nod. I finally pulled away from the hug. I looked into his eyes. He looked tired and lost. All strength had left him.

"Im sorry Hoseok-ah, I couldnt protect you from what you saw that day". Ms. Kwon said with soft sobs leaving her small frame. Mr. Seo patted her back in an attempt to calm her down.

"Where is he?"

"Who?" Ms. Kwon asked.

"The man who killed my mother". His body shook as he spoke and I held him tighter to help him balance.

"You cant see him Hoseok". Ms Kwon said.


"Your father.......she shook as she spoke.....he commited suicide while he was in prison".

"Hoseok felt his strength completely leave him. Sending both him and me down to the floor.

Mr. Seo rushed over. "He is weak from days of no food or water". Hoseok had a dazed look on his face.

"I need to see him". He repeatedly said it until he passed out.



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