CHAPTER 35: Truth Untold

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I slowly opened the door to the Hoseok's private room with shaky hands.

"YN!" Jin stood up in surpise as I walked into the room to finding a sleeping Hoseok.

"How is he?" My voice was unstable.

Jin gave out a sigh as he began to speak. "He was put to sleep by the nurse just a while ago. He is supoosed to have an MRI tomorrow morning.

"Namjoon told me everything". Jin held my hands. "Im sorry YN.....about the break up.....Namjoon told me everything as well and why Hoseok was upset at him". Yoongi and I are still in shock and we want to help both Namjoon and Hoseok get back on the same page as we also focus on Hoseok's recovery.

I nodded silently as Jin let go of my hands to allow me to walk closer to Hoseok's bedside."I'll be outside if you need anything". With that Jin left the room.

I took Hoseok's good hand into my hands. Tears fell as though it was a hobby of mine to cry. "Hoseok, Im so sorry that you had to go through this.....please get better". Beads of sweat had formed on his forehead again. "You must have had a hard time". I said as I pulled a handkerchief from my bag to wipe his sweat off.

His body was still and stiff. The medicatiom given was so strong he slept like a log. I wiped my tears slowly as I looked at his motionless body. "Please promise me you will get better, even if its not for me.....just get better please".

After 40 minutes I decided to leave. "Arent you going to wait till he wakes up?". I shook my head. "He needs to rest. I cant be in the way of his recovery".

"But YN-"

I was already near the end of the hospital corridor as I ignored Jin's words.


After the MRI, the doctor came back with the report. Jin, Yoongi and Namjoon waited nervously as he sat down in his chair.

Hoseok's aunt was in Norway the moment she received Yoongi's message. It would take her two days to get to Korea.

The doctor began to speak. "We did not find anything wrong physically with his brain. Everything is ok."

"Really? How about the bleeding?" Namjoon asked.

"The bleeding was caused by a severe migraine. Its normal to have one when a person is under extreme stress. I have prescribed some medication that he can take to minimize the pain suffered from the migraine but I believe he must also see a psychiatrist for psychological treatment since we have found nothing physically wrong with him."

The doctor concluded his explanation and they left his office.

Yoongi was the first to speak. "His aunt will be in Korea today and we will have to speak with her before Hoseok can get out of the hospital. We must speak with her without his knowledge because I have a feeling this is a matter that will require full disclosure of information which only Hoseok's aunt can do."

"When do we meet her?" Jin asked. "She said she will be here within the next one hour, she arrived in Korea 4 hours ago."


Jin, Yoongi and Namjoon had given Ms. Kwon some privacy as she entered Hoseok's room. Her heart melted at the sight of Hoseok in a hospital bed, somehing she never wanted to see. She took his good hand in hers. "What happend to you my dear nephew?".

She was alone with Hoseok for 20 minites before she decided to meet the boys at a cafe near the hospital. Every single detail was revealed to her, including my relationship with Hoseok up until he had the migraine attack.

Ms.Kwon's eyes widened particularly at what Hoseok said during the migraine attack. She was frozen for a disbelief at what she had been told.

"He remembered?........he was not supposed to........"

"What do you mean?" Yoongi asked confused.

"His memories.....they are coming back after years of suppression".

Ms. Kwon followed up her statement with an explanation. She confessed everything including the time she begged the therapist not to treat Hoseok.

The boys eyes all widened in shock at all this information. Everyone was frozen at Ms. Kwon's words. Every detail was painful to hear.

"Thats why he hates closets and elevators.......I hoped he would forget and never remember.....but I was wrong.......I was wrong to shield him from all of it....."

She started to cry as she blamed herself. Jin held on of her hands. "Ms. Kwon, you only tried to protect Hoseok from so much pain.....its not your fault, you did what you could for Hoseok".

"He needs to get treated, please help me....." she begged the boys. "Thats not something you should ask of us Ms. Kwon, Hoseok is a brother we love and we will help anytime." Namjoon assured her.

"Thank you for letting me know how hurt my nephew was, I will take full responsibility to help him get better". She wiped her tears as she calmed down a little.

"And we will be there for you and for Hoseok all the way", Jin said with a warm smile that was comforting to Ms. Kwon.


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