CHAPTER 46: Treatment

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Hoseok was so curious to find out why Keith was suddenly practicing with me and basically hanging out with me all the time.

Things between me and Keith had simmered down when he apologized to me. I made him promise he would give me space and not bring up Hoseok at will. We agreed to remain friends.

Hoseok knocked on the teacher's office door. "Come in".

Hoseok walked in. "Ah Hoseok, its you".

"Yes sir".

"Take a sit please".

Hoseok nodded and sat.

"And what can I do for you?"

"I know I have missed a lot of classes but why does YN have a new partner?"

"Well, your aunt had contacted me about your inability to attend class. She mentioned your health as the reason."

He paused to organize his papers. "And so, while you get better, I decided to give YN a new partner. He just transferred to this school".

"Is this arrangement permanent?"

"Only if you dont get better by the end of the semester".

Hoseok raised his eyebrows. Surprised at this unwelcome ultimatum.

"Thank you". He stood up to leave.

"Im still routing for you though, you are my favourite student and I hope you get better soon."

Hoseok turned the door knob, "I hope so too".


"I dont understand what you mean Mr. Seo." Hoseok's aunt was still confused.

"Hoseok has those memories buried deep where they are so hard to fish out and simply talking to him will not do anything progressive. Therefore, I think we should try hypnosis to try and get into his head."

"Will it work"

"Well I have been speaking to him for two weeks and I always reach a dead end".

Ms. Kwon's shoulder's slouched. "I am such an irresponsible aunt".

"Dont say that, you were simply trrying to protect him and rightfully so. I helped you keep this secret and I will help you take it out if need be."

She nodded. "I trust that you will do it right"

"I will try". He reassured her.


Hoseok's aunt had called Namjoon and Jin over secretly. They understood why and so acted like they were just visiting.

"We are trying a new method of treatment and so I want you guys to be there in case anyhing similar to what happened in the hospital happens again."

They had discussed this over the phone.

Namjoon and Jin nodded. "I just want to make sure the people who care about him are around to help him get better." She said.

Mr. Seo was already with Hoseok for their session. They choose to sit in the library this time.

Ms. Kwon had made tea for Namjoon and Jin as they all sat in the living room.

Suddenly they heard a loud shout.


"I am going to try some hypnosis on you to try and figure out why your migraines are persistent. Will you allow me to?"

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