CHAPTER 42: Sexual Tension

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"Lets start our session......."

Mr. Seo said as he motioned Hoseok to sit down in one of the study rooms of Hoseok's house that had always remained unused. It was their fifth session and Hoseok was starting to open up a little and speak a bit more freely.

Mr. Seo had started with simple questions like hobbies, dreams and hopes and what Hoseok hates the most or loves the most in someone's character. But this time, Mr. Seo decided to ask more serious questions to help tackle the problem. He already knew what was wrong with Hoseok, after all....he helped Ms. Kwon bury Hoseok's memories 18 years ago.

"Tell me something about your sleep patterns".

Hoseok looked up at him as he hesitantly tried to find the words. "I need sleeping pills".

"Any special reason? A young man like you surely isnt stressed enough to have that problem".

"Because I get nightmares every now and then"....Hoseok swallowed hard as he spoke.

"What are they about".

"I dont know, I wish I did. I cant remember any detail by the time I wake up....all I know is whenever I was with YN...I would sleep through the night without using the pills".

"Who is YN?"

Hoseok paused and looked away from Mr. Seo. "She is someone I love".

"I see". Mr. Seo noticed Hoseok's eyes began to get glassy.

"Do you want us to stop for today?"

Hoseok nodded. "Im sorry I am not able to finish the one hour session."

"There is no pressure.....we can continue in our next session. We will do it slowly and thoroughly."


"Aunt Kwon?"


"I seriously need a break. I have done everything you told me to and I have not missed a single session. Can I at least have a chance to get out of the house?.....its rather suffocating in here."

"Sure, as long as you tell me where you are going in case of anything."

"Im not five anymore you know?" He chuckled at his Aunt's overprotectiveness.

"Ok, ok, I will not interfere". She resigned.

Hosoek pulled out his phone to text Jin.

What do you guys have planned? I need to get out of the house or else I will rot.


Sobin pulled me by my wrist. "Come on! It will be fun".

She had helped me dress up in a black long dress with a slit up to my mid-thigh.....showing a whole lot of leg.

"Sobin, I told you its really not necessary to wear such a revealing dress." I pouted.

"Shh!!! I need to do your make up. Pass me the foundation".

I obliged even though I wasnt really up for it. She gave me a smoky eye and gave me a very dark lip with black lipstick which enhanced my brown skin complexion.

"You look pretty!! I bet the guys will drool over you".
I frowned at her. "Well FYI I dont want to attract any guys right now....completely not in the mood you know?" I rolled my eyes dismissing whatever it is she said next.

"Dont be such a kill-joy", she pouted. She had already dressed up in an emerald green dress that equally enhanced her pale skin and her makeup was perfection. She was good at these at all.

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