CHAPTER 12: Growth

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We opened the work given to us. Everyone was told to randomly select a folder which has the name of the dance we had to do. Ours was contemporary dancing. Both Hoseok and I were relieved because it was our strength and would totally ace it.

We had to make our own choreography which we managed to do in 3 days. I like how we worked so fluidly together. We had very few issues with our preparations.

It was day 9. I met Hoeeok at the dance studio for our practice.

"Lets do the piece again, I think Im missing one step". Hosoek suggested. I nodded and we started again. After re-doing the whole dance he still wasnt satisfied.

"We need to do the lift properly, I do not plan on dropping you to the ground. Lets revise that."

Without protest, I got into position. He put his hands around my waist to prepare to lift me. After a deep breathe he took, he threw me into the air and I did a full 360 turn before landing perfectly into his arms. Our eyes met......Gooseys starting to form on my skin.

There was a darkness in his eyes that I couldnt describe but there was also this pain I could see but couldnt understand. He did not put me down and instead held me tighter. We got lost in each others though time had stopped.

He leaned in for a kiss.....his nose almost touching my cheek and his lips lightly touching mine.

"Ah you two are here?" The teacher's words cut right through our almost complete kiss.

Hoseok swiftly put me down. "Yes sir".

"I need to use the dance studio for a special class, aee you almost done?"

"We are actually done sir". I said.

"Excellent, I look forward to the two are my personal favourites. Dont disappoint me".

Hoseok let out a nervous chuckle.

I picked up my stuff and started to walk out. Hoseok quickly followed me behind.

"Can we use the stairs? I need to tell you something".

"Hoseok Im tired, can we talk tomorrow? Plus I still have one more class for the day".

He didnt insist, he just slightly frowned and let it go.

"Ok, another day then".

I got into the elevator.


Over the past 9 days, Hoseok and I would practice everyday. I never had a problem with our assignments. I just started to get uncomfortably fond of him even if I dont admit it to myself.

We would have lunch together at his favourite restaurant. He always had a bright smile and basically was a sunshine ball. But other times, he would have his look in his eyes that makes me feel like I almost dont know him. Like he is a stranger.

But I started to feel something for him. And seeing him everyday made it worse. Something started to grow. Whenever we danced it was like magic, everything stood still and it was just me and him. It was hard to notice anything else outside that.

I cant wait for this assignment to be over. I cant see him everyday. I cant feel what I am feeling. This needs to stop.


Hoseok walked down the stairs slowly.

I need to know why she slept beside me that night. Its been two weeks since it happened. But why do I feel.....something?

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