CHAPTER 20: Warning

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Hoseok woke up first and found me still sleeping. He looked at my face with a warm smile on his face. Suddenly, a random thought crossed his mind.

I slept through the night

His eyebrows furrowed at the thought. He still couldnt understand why he is able to sleep through certain nights and not through others.

He brushed off the thought to stroke my face instead with the back of his fingers. As the sun slowly shown through my windows, my eyes were tickled with the light. Opening my eyes, I found Hoseok staring at me

"Did you sleep well?" I asked sleepily.


I slowly sat up in bed. "How are you feeling now?".

"Better, dont worry about me". He touched my cheek gently.

"Im glad you're ok......but next need to tell me the things you dont like so that history does not repeat itself promise?".

He laughed weakly. "Promise".

He checked his wristwatch which was still on his wrist from last night. "Its almost 10AM....."

My eyes widened. "What?.....oh god no!....I have a class at 11AM." I frantically left the bed to go straight into the shower.Within 10 minutes I was out and left the bathroom with a towel on.

"Uh...what are you still doing here?....I need to dress up".

"I was waiting for the show". He said while motioning his hands towards my body.

"Oh come on Hosoek, now is not the time to flirt".

"Fine, fine YN.....His hands raised in the air as he got off the bed.....I will leave but I will wait for you on the couch.....I can drive you there to help hou save on time".

With that said, he left my room and I did a quick dress up.


Dropping me off at school, he headed straight to his house. After arriving, he decided to take a shower before doing anything else. As the cool water fell on his skin some of his memories started to come back.

Let me out!!!! I cant be in here!!!! I want out!!!

Hoseok hit the white bathroom walls with his left palm as the water flowed down his back.

What does this mean? Why am I claustrophobic? I need answers.

His thought process was interrupted by the loud bell in the hallway that the butler would ring to signal he is leaving he house. He snapped back to reality and quickly finished his shower.

As he dried his hair, his phone rang.

"Whats up Namjoon?"

"Come to the agency, we have a few things to discuss and review".

"Ok will be right there".


As Hosoek drove to the agency, he decided to pass through school to check on me.

I walked out of class into the hallway. A guy tapped my shoulder from the back. Looking over, my face registered a frightened face. It was Keith....the guy from the party who tried to force himself on me.

"YN, I need to speak with you have time?".

Seeing that I was as stiff as a pole he tried to reassure me that he will not do anyhing stupid. "I know a nearby cafe, shall we?"

I hesitantly nodded as I followed him out the school.

We sat at a table outside the cafe. Two coffees were served by the waiter.

"What I did to you that night was short-sighted of me, I was drunk. Therefore I apologize for my behaviour".

I sipped my coffee as he spoke. Looking up at him and seeing how serious his face looked, I decided to speak. "I was very upset that night".

"I know, that is why I made an effort to come to your school to find you".

"How did you know I school here?"

He rubbed the back of his neck as he chuckled nervously. "Jin told me.....but that was only after I begged him and promised not to do anything out of line."

"Oh...I see". I simply said as I sipped some more coffee. "Well if you mean well, then I accept your apology".

"There is one more thing I would like to ask of you".

One of my eyebrows was raised. "And whats that?"

"Can we be friends?.......Am I asking for too much?....I swear I am not a creep.....I was just drunk that night."

I sighed deeply as I gave thought to his question. "Alright, Im ok with being friends with you."

"Thank you for accepting me....I promise that what happened that night will never repeat itself." He gave a warm smile and stretched out his hand for a handshake.

"Friends?".......I took out my hand to shake his. "Friends". I said.

That was the exact moment Hoseok was driving by and spotted the two of us. His eyes narrowed at first...trying to figure out if it was really me.

YN? Is that you? With him? Again?

Hoseok could feel a crack in his heart as he saw my hand in Keith's. From his point of view, it did not look like a handshake. It looked as though my hand was in his for other reasons.

Hosoek decided to open his pocket and reach out for his phone to text me.

Hoseok: Im warning you YN

I took out my hand from Keith's to get my phone. "Sorry let me just see that". I pulled out my phone and read the message. Brows coming together in a frown, I wondered why Hoseok would say something as random as that.

Me: What do you mean?

I received no reply. Keith looked down at me. "Is everything ok?".

"Mmm?.....Oh yes everything is fine". I quickly placed my phone back in my pocket as I looked up at him with a faked smile.

"I heard you were having a dance event at your school tomorrow. I'll be at the event with Jin.......and I also heard you are one of the dancers."

I nodded. "Yes I am".

"I was hoping that as a friendly gesture, I could treat you to dinner as an official apology after your event and to leave all the bad blood behind."

"Sure, no big deal".

"Excellent! See you tomorrow then." We exchanged numbers and Keith left for his own school.


A/N: Lots of smut in the next two chapters

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A/N: Lots of smut in the next two chapters. YOU WILL NEED A DRUM OF HOLY WATER.


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