CHAPTER 32: Reminder

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I slowly opened my eyes to discover I was not in my own bed or Hoseok's bed.

That thought ate at my soul. He is not here with me.

I slowly looked around the room and discovered it had a pretty colour. Lime green with white was its main theme. Everything was clean and properly placed.

The sun had shown through the curtains and the wind tickled at them to open and close at its will. I slowly got out of bed.

Where am I? I opened the door to get out into the hallway. It was another big mansion with intricate details on its walls filled with 15th century paintings and other artwork.

I somehow found my way to the kitchen and found Namjoon pulling something out of the fridge.

"Oh you are awake?", he asked as he opened the bottle of water.

I nodded without a word and walked over to the table. Grabbing the head of the chair to support myself I looked at Namjoon with a lost expression.

" did I get here?"

Namjoon looked at me with one eyebrow raised.

"I dont remember anything that happened". I looked down with a sadness overcoming my aura.

Namjoon walked over to me and stood in front of me. He put his hand to my forehead. "Your fever is gone". I looked up at him a little confused. "Fever?"

"Yes you were quite sick yesterday and you hit your head so hard when you fell off the bed as you-"

Namjoon bit his tongue.

"What? Is there something wrong? Please tell me what happened. Why did I fall off the bed?".

Namjoon swallowed what seemed to be a stone. "As you were trying to get off of me".

My eyes widened at his statement. "Why....why would I be on of you?"

Namjoon sighed. "Because you thought I was Hoseok".

I put both my hands to my mouth as if to stop myself from screaming. "Did I really do that?"

I stepped a few inches away from him. "Im so sorry!"

"Dont blame yourself YN, you were not in your right state of mind, you had a high fever and so it was difficult for you to know anything you were doing or anything that was happening......I had to give you some body heat because you were freezing cold.....and somewhere in the middle of the got on top of me".

I looked down out of embarrassment. I didnt know what to say. "Its ok YN, its not your fault. I am just glad you are better now, I found you in an alley and you were in a pretty bad shape."

Thats when his words struck me. The alley......the place where it all ended. The place where I lost him.

My thought process was broken by Namjoon's voice. "Lets eat first and then you will tell me what made you go to that alley." I silently nodded and took a sit.

Eating was a painful process and extremely unwanted. I just wanted to bury myself in a hole as memories of last night started pouring in.

I soon started picking at my food when Namjoon noticed. "YN are you ok?". Tears fell down my cheeks immediately at his words. His eyes softened at my reacrio to his question. I sniffed as he stood up from his seat. He held my hand. "Hey its ok, you can tell me all about it".

He could tell that I struggled to speak as I frantically wiped the tears that did not seem to stop pouring.

"H...Hoseok broke up with me".

Namjoon was silent for a moment wih a dumbfounded expression. "Why would he do that? He loves you so much what happened?"

"Trust me, you will not like the reason he gave me". I looked away from him but he lifted his hands and took my face into them. "YN you can talk to me, please know that. I am here for you ok?"

I nodded as I took in a deep breath which I let out as a sigh. "He thinks you and I....slept together".

Namjoon froze. Its almost as though time had stopped as he did not speak for sometime. His brows furrowed into a frown and his eyes darted back and forth as he tried to understand the words I just spoke to him.

"You cant be serious". He finally broke the silence.

"Its as serious as he said it to my face and he wouldnt let me explain".

Namjoon's hands left my face and fell to his sides as he felt them ball into a fist. "And what convinced him that this could be the case?" He now asked through gritted teeth with slight anger in his voice I felt chills down my spine.

"He said he saw you and I 'kissing' at the cafe". My voice was weak and resigned.

Namjoon had to let out a hysterical laugh at my words. It almost sounded like I was a comedian. "Kissed?" He continued his hysterical laugh.

"Tell you what.....Im going to go to his house right now and speak my mind".

I tried to beg him not to leave. "You stay here and freshen up, I will be back with a straightened Hoseok at your doorstep".

With that he abruptly left the house.


He rang he doorbell and the butler answered. "I need to see Hoseok is he home?"

The butler looked at him confused. "He is not here sir, he has been in the hospital since last night".

"Excuse me?"

"He just had surgery" he butler continued to speak.

Namjoon's mouth was wide open with disbelief. He froze.....his mind trying to process what the butler just told him.




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