CHAPTER 5: Dreams.

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No! No!

Dont touch her!!!

My voice was barely a whisper.

He dragged her through the long hallway by her hair.

I ran but my legs did not move an inch.

I screamed but no sound came out of my mouth.

Everything went dark, I saw nothing...only heard her screams


Hoseok woke up with beads of sweat on his forehead. He took his feet out of the covers and sat up on the bed.

His breathing was heavy and strained. It was as though he just ran a marathon. He checked his watch and it was 2AM. He sighed and went downstairs to grab a glass of water.

The butler was asleep in his quarters so Hoseok decided not to wake him for no good reason. After he finished his glass he headed back up to bed. It took him another hour before he could finally drift back into blissful sleep.


Our class thankfully was at 4PM. I had enough to rest my tired, heavy body and to practice my solo piece.

On my way to class I met Jin who was just coming out of his own class.

"Hey!" he waved at me.

He paced quickly towards me. "I have not seen you seen yesterday....settling in well?"

I nodded. "Heading for dance class now".

"I dropped out of that class before I could break my glad I gave up....its not for the weak-hearted like me."

I chuckled. "Strange because yesterday one guy told me he had to learn it for his career."

"You mean Namjoon? Oh yeah he has to learn it, I have to learn it too but I do it from our agency. I just thought it would be a waste of study options to go for a dance class. I take acting classes instead".

"Awesome, I bet you are friends wih Namjoon."

"We are at the same agency so yes we do get along as friends. I should take you to our agency one day when you are free. Trust me it will be fun".

"I would be delighted.....gotta run now....class is almost starting". I dashed out of sight.

In class, everyone was stretching their limbs. We still had 10 minutes before our teacher comes to class.

I went to one of the rails and started stretching. I felt so eone pass behind me.....leaving his cologne in the air for my nose to catch. It was a sweet scent....

I looked over my shoulder to see Hoseok coming to settle down next to me. He had shades on. I looked at him with a confused facial expression.

"Uhh.....whats up with the shades? are indoors"

"I couldnt get enough sleep, it was 7AM by the time I could finally catch some zzzz's."

I only managed to say a "too bad"and thought he had been practicing all night for his solo piece.

He took off his shades and the sight beneath them left much to be desired. "Are you sure you made the right choice to come to class without enough sleep? You could have just called in sick, you eyes look heavy and tired".

"No worries......he smiled....Im used to it".

"Ok class lets get ready to see those solos". In walked the teacher without warning.

"Up first is Dee."

Dee did her piece. "Work on your balance". He criticized.

"Ok next is Ari".

After she did her piece. "Everything was excellent".

"Ok now we have YN".

I walked hesitantly to the front. The teacher did not hesitate and started to play the music.

I immediately began to dance. I chose a ballet piece. After I finished. He gave his opinion. "Your footwork makes me happy.....and good job on your hold your lines perfectly". I felt relieved and walked back.

"Next up is Hoseok"

He went to the front. The moment he began to dance, I felt this wave of emotion. He chose a contemporary piece which was beautiful but something about it was dark. Two whole minutes seemed like an eternity. Before I know it, tears fell and lightly touched my cheeks. I did not realize this the entire time.

"This is why you are my fave" the teacher remarked.

He got back to the crowd to his original position. He noticed my tears and looked at me intently as he sat down next to me. I quickly wiped them away and tried to play pretend.

He stared at me in silence the whole time not caring to see who else was performing their piece. I felt so uncomfortable when I noticed from the corner of my eye that his gaze never left me.

After 5 pieces, it was finally over.....class was over. I could get up from situation and find an escape.

Hoseok left first. I was thankful for that.

I made my way to the elevator to go back down to the ground floor. Walking out of the elevator, I walked down the hallway and turned round the corner to approach the exit.

I only registered the next thing that happened after I felt an arm grab my forearm strongly and drag me to the staircase.

It was Hoseok. He closed the door to the staircase which oped to the ground floor arena.

"What on earth do you think you are doing?" I struggled to free my arm from his grasp.

"I will only let go if you answer my questions". I looked at him with widened eyes.

"Whatever game you are playing, I know nothing about it and I am not interested"

He suddenly let go of my forearm and placed both his hands on the wall behind me, trapping me with his arms.

"Then let me tell you the rules of the game".


A/N: Isnt it cute how Hoseok left first to be able to catch me at the entrance? He had to beat the elevator

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A/N: Isnt it cute how Hoseok left first to be able to catch me at the entrance? He had to beat the elevator. Im feeling so tingly writing about this. Ugh I know will cringe at these notes when I get back to this ff in the future. First works are always special you know. Lol

Deathly Love || Hoseok FF Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя