CHAPTER 31: Admission

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Yoongi and Jin rushed to the hospital in the ambulance with Hoseok unconscious the entire way.

He was taken into surgery immediately to fix his wrist which had broken and caused so much swelling.

Jin was frantically sweating and nervously as Yoongi tried to calm him down.

"Calm down hyung, everything will be fine". His hands were on Jin's shoulders in an attempt to make him relax.

"Now let me just record Hoseok's information at the reception. Wait for me here". Yoongi walked towards the reception to register Hosoek's information.

After some minutes, he came back to sit besides Jin with two cups of coffee in his hands.

"Here, you could use some of this to calm you down". Jin was grateful he had Yoongi in this situation to help him calm down and face the unfortunate event that befell them.

Jin began to speak after he gathered himself together. "Should I tell the others?" He asked while pulling out his phone.

Yoongi stopped him immediately. "No, no, not today".

Jin looked at him confused and so Yoongi justifed his answer. "We wil tell them later, right now we need to be focused on being there for Hoseok. Plus Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook all have exams tomorrow at their university. We need to let them focus."

Jin nodded in agreement and put his phone back into his pocket. Continued sipping the coffee to make himself warm.

One and a half hours later, the surgeon came out of the operating room. "We have completed the surgery and it was a success. He broke quite a number of bones in his wrist but all that has been taken care of." He smiled at Jin and Yoongi who both released sighs of relief at the surgeon's words.

"Thank you doctor", Jin said as the surgeon motioned his hand to have Hoseok taken to the private room Yoongi paid for.

Jin was now relaxed and calm. He sat by Hoseok and held his other hard which wasn't broken. "Just what happened to Hoseok?".

"I swear I am just as clueless as you......its so strange that he got injured in his own house".

"Do you think it was burglars?....the whole place looked ransacked". Jin asked again as he tightly held Hoseok's hand

"Maybe, but with the level of security our agency pays for each of our homes, I doubt it would have been that easy to break". Yoongi said.

"We will find out when Hoseok wakes the meantime, I need to go back home and cook him something. He might be hungry when he wakes up". Jin stood up to leave the room.

"I'll be here all night," Yoongi assured him.

"I'll be back in 3 hours". With that Jin shut the door.

Yoongi did not last long till he himself fell asleep on the couch in the hospital room.


Two hours later, Yoongi was awakened by Hoseok's loud groaning. He jumped off the couch at top speed.

"Hoseok are you ok?"

"Where am I?

"You're in the hospital, you were in a pretty bad shape when Jin and I found you at home."

He frowned at Yoongi's statement as he was in a confused state and cant remember what happened last night. He lifted his other hand to hold his head.

"My head hurts so bad. I need some pain killers".

"Ok wait a second, let me call the nurse."

Just as the nurse entered, Jin had also come back with some food.

"How is he?" Jin looked over at Yoongi.

"All he said was that his head hurts".

Jin handed Yoongi some food. "Here you need to eat, you look so tired."

"Thanks hyung".

The nurse left the room after administering the painkillers directly into his bloodstream. Hoseok started to feel a little bit better than before.

Jin walked over to him. "Here, you must eat something".

"What happened? Why am I here?"

Jin calmly explained to Hoseok about how Yoongi received his text and they went over to his house to find him in that state.

"You were unconscious on the floor and hour wrist was bleeding and all swelled up this much". Jin illustrated with his hands.

Hosoek did not even realize his wrist was broken and wrapped up in bandages. He lifted up his left hand to look at its damaged and useless state and let out a weak sigh.

"You just had surgery for that broken hand".

Hoseok's eyes widened. "I just got out of surgery?".

"Mm", Yoongi nodded. "But tell us something,what happened, did a burglar jump you?"

Hoseok thought hard but failed to come up with an answer.

"I dont recall anything or why I am here."

"Maybe you hit you head so hard that you have some temporary memory loss.", Jin took a guess."You should rest, you will feel better in the morning".

After helping Hoseok eat, Jin helped him take his meds after which he drifted to sleep.



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