CHAPTER 44: Reset?

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Hoseok held on to my arm and turned me around to face him. "You did not give me an answer.........I want you back YN".

"I dont know".

"You dont know? After what we did just now?"

"We should probably get back to the party". I said as I tried to turn around.

"YN, I love you, please dont do this".

I stopped in my tracks and turned to look at him. "I love you too but you pushed me made it clear we were over....I dont know what I need to prove to gain your trust".

"I am stupid, I know that......I was short-sighted to think that way because of my insecurities. I just ask that you love me back regardless". He looked into my eyes hoping for a positive answer.

"I need to think about it".

Hoseok did not push it. He sighed as he said, "I understand, I will wait".

He kissed my cheek gently.


"Whoever gave you a hickey must have done it so hard that it shows through your dark brown skin the next day". Sobin grinned at me as she drank some coffee she had just made.

"Stop talking nonsense". I frowned at her.

"Oh yeah, dont think I didnt notice you and Hoseok leave together to go get busy.....I just played it cool just so I can get the juicy details. She smirked at me while making a hand sign that seemed to signal something physical.

"Fine, we fucked..... you happy now?"

"Ooohhhhh tell me more.....where did you do it?"

"His car".

"Mmmmmmmm that sounds rushed but sexy at the same guys were that hot for each other?" She giggled and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Ok, I am just going to leave. Call me when you have a better idea for a conversation." She shook her head laughing as I shut the door to her room and left for mine.


"Were did the two of you head off to last night?" Jin inquired knowing very well what the answer might be.

"We were just talking". Hoseok tried to avoid the question.

"Just talking? For 40 minutes?"

"Yes well people talk longer than that." He shrugged as he ate the same snack Jin was munching on.

"It didnt look like you were just talking with both you and YN's appearance looking like you had just-"

"Ok, ok, hyung! We got a little carried away thats all".

Jin looked at Hoseok with hawk eyes. "You are bad at lying you know that?"

"Ok, we lost control and got a whole lot physical". He gave Jin a death glare.

Jin giggled at his dongsaeng's embarrassment. "Next time, dont try to play pretend, it doesnt suit you....your eyes were all over YN the moment she walked into the room and you were never with us, your mind was elsewhere the entire time."

"I probably prefer to talk to Mr. Seo than to you right now".

Jin laughed. "Yeah sure you do". He rolled his eyes at Hoseok.

Hoseok scoffed at Jin as he opened the fridge for something else other than a snack to eat.

"But what are your intentions with her?"

Hoseok looked up surprised at the sudden question. "What do you mean?"

"Well you two just slept together after your broke up, dont you think both of you need to know what last night meant?"

Hoseok sighed. "I know, I told YN that I was so insecure about our relationship."


"I apologized to her and told her I want her back".

"What did she say?"

"She needs time to think about it and I didnt push her, I told her I would wait".

"Well then, you will just have to accept whatever decision she comes to you know that right?"

Hoseok's eyes got glassy at the thought of me possibly rejecting him.

"I know, thats why I am preparing myself for the worst". Hoseok's shoulders slouched.

"She came for you".


"She came to see you while you were in hospital".

"When?" Hoseok asked confused.

"When you were put to sleep by the doctor. She was crying and she was hurt both by your breakup and by the state you were in".

Hoseok swallowed and looked down. Feeling absolutely guilty for everything he had said to hurt me.

"YN really loves you, you dont need to doubt that. You have to make it right by her should she choose to stay with you". Jin got up to go use the bathroom. Leaving Hoseok in deep thought. A tear had fallen without him knowing.

"I really am stupid", he whispered to himself.



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