CHAPTER 4: Settling In.

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We returned to school. Our classes whpere in different directions and so we parted ways.

Two hours later. All classes for the day were done. As I left, I met Namjoon in the hallway again.

"So how was your first day of school? Do you like it here"?

"So far so good" I replied simply.

"Let me show you to your dorm.....I promised I would help you settle in". He began to walk before I could respond.

On the way, he pointed out the main university landmarks like the library, clinic and sports arena.

"Here we are, your promised".

"I dont know what I would have done without you...thank you so much for everything".

"You can thank me over dinner" he gave a cute smile. I know a good place you would like."

I chuckled. "Ok, sure".

Next thing you know, half the school is treating me to some kind of meal.

I entered my dorm and inspected the area. It was nice....a table and chair for study, a bed with nice covers, a sofa and a small kitchen. It also had a private bathroom which I was thankful for.

I had to take a shower to wash away the stress of getting to know the school and its areas. I promised Namjoon I would show up for dinner so I neeed that shower to freshen up.

I met him at my door an hour later. He went to a small but simple restsurant just outside campus. The food there was good.

"How was your day?" He asked.

"Well nothing unusual happened....except when some guy told me he never takes the elevator." I said this without looking up at Namjoon as I continued to stuff my mouth with food.

"He suddenly became quiet. Making me regret mentioning what I just did.

"YN, Hoseok never takes the elevator for a good reason". The tone he used brought back the eerie feeling I had before.

"You know Hoseok?"

He nodded. He is a close friend of mine.

"Oh, I am so sorry for bringing him up so carelessly." I bit my lip as I mentally cursed at myself.

"You have not committed any wrong" he reassured me.

With how our conversation became, I changed the topic and gave him the background to my coming to Korea. The story intrigued him and made him ask me more questions than I anticipated.

After 2 hours we headed back to school. It was 10PM and my body was giving up on me.

"Thanks for dinner".

"Dont mention it, it was my pleasure".

With that he said good night and I headed to my dorm.

As my heavy body dropped to the bed, I couldnt help but still think about what both Namjoon and Hoseok said about never taking the elevator.

Gosh, I am new here.....none of this is my business. Why am I so curious about one tiny detail that has nothing to so with me?

I drifted to sleep without knowing at which point I did.


A/N: I know, i know

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A/N: I know, i know......Im just as curious as you on this matter. 10 freaking floors and you still choose the stairs??? Bruh......

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