CHAPTER 29: Its Over

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Hoseok woke up again to find himself on the couch. He looked at small table by the couch and found the sleeping pills scattered all over.

Again? I couldnt sleep even if YN was with me?

As he got up, he held his tempos at the severe headache he experienced so suddenly. He quickly pressed a button and his butler came to his aid.

"Please tell YN to go straight to school and I will meet her from there, I cant see her right now". Hoseok said with a strained voice.

"And clean up this mess before YN sees it".

The butler nodded and took care of things as I instructed.


It had been a week since our cooking date. I was head over hills in love with Hoseok

He made love to me, it was so beautiful and I loved every moment of it.

I had a tingly feeling in my tummy at thought of it. Happily walking to my classes, I received a text from Hoseok.

Can you meet me at the park today?

I giggled at the thought of some more time to spend with Hoseok.

Of course I can. See ya!

At the park, I already found Hoseok had prepared a picnic for us.

"Aawww Hoseok, this is so sweet of you". I sat down excitedly.

"I thought we can have this today, I have never had a picnic with anyone before".

"Me too".

"Lets eat". He suggested.

He did not speak much, maybe because the food was so good. I equally just wanted to enjoy it without speaking too much.

The breeze tickled through my hair as my eyes were fixed on the lake. He looked at my side profile, with a small painful smile forming on his lips.

The sunset was dancing on the waters of the lake. It was majestic though it was going to bed. Hoseok looked at me. "Its getting late, we have to leave".

"Right, lets do that".

I suddenly saw his butler coming to collect all the picnic items. I had to mentally laugh at how he troubled that sweet old man.

I walked ahead as he spoke to him. "Wait for me in the car". He told him.

We took a walk down an alley. It was quiet as the day was ending.

"YN, I need to tell you something". His voice was strained.


"I cant do this anymore".

"Im not sure I follow what you are saying".

"Im saying lets break up".

I immediately went mute. All I could hear was the gentle breeze in my ears. My eyes darted back and forth as those words sank in.

He looked at me struggling to wrap my head around what he just said.

"I cant be with you anymore YN".

"Why?". My tears threatened to fall.

"Because I know you dont love me".

"What on earth are you talking about?" My eyes desparately searched his.

"I saw everything YN, and I know I am not the person you love...."

"Stop playing games with me Hoseok." My voice sounded broken and cracked.

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