CHAPTER 21: Angry Sex

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The day before the event, I made sure I had bought some make up and costumes both for me and Hoseok. I decided to go for a gold theme since the even was at night.

The school was beautifully decorated with colours that screamed royalty. It was a beautiful scene. The hallways looked nothing like they usually do during normal school days.

All the dancers arrived first to do the final touches to their pieces. Hoseok and I entered one of the classes which was empty to dress up and do our make up. Our theme was a dark contemporary dance.

To my surprise, Hoseok did not speak much as I did his and my make up. He only made small talk which is very unlike him. Usually he would be flirting with me at this point.

As I finished his, I started mine. I had to stick some gold to my skin as well. I let my hair free on its own and did not tie it up.

 I let my hair free on its own and did not tie it up

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When I finished I looked like this. ☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝

Hoseok stared at me in silence.

YN, I long for you but why him? Why were you with him? I thought you....felt the same way for me......

Do you like him more? Is there something wrong with me?

He had a pained expression on his face I could not see as I finished off the final touches.

The school principal announced over the intercom for all dancers to gather backstage. Hoseok and I left immediately.

Meeting the other dancers, our dance teacher made a short announcement.

"Before any of you go out there,I must let you know that your performance today will account for 30% of the course exam and this event will afford you a job opportunity into any of the companies represented by today's critics. Please do well all of you".

We all murmured with excitement at the news. But there was no time to dwell on it as the staff began to signal to everyone else to get in line.

We were a total of 6 pairs of dancers. Hoseok and I were the last to dance.

"And now our final pair is about to do their piece called "Lost but not gone". The MC said. "A round of applause please"

We went to the stage and our music came on after we got into position. The lights shone and bounced off the gold we had on our bodies. It was just like we practiced.

In that moment it was just me and him. The world seized to exist. Our dance intesified as the music swelled. The audience exhaled loudly when Hoseok did the lift. Landing perfectly in his arms our dance ended and the music died down. But Hoseok didnt move at inch...he looked deeply into my eyes as if searching for something.

It was only the applause that came from the audience that reminded him that we were on stage. The lights dimmed as the curtains began to roll back. Hoseok walked backstage wih me still in his arms. When we were finally out of sight from the audience he put me down.

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