CHAPTER 10: Pleasant Night

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The morning sun poured its beams through the bedroom windows ever so gently.

A gentle breeze teased at the curtains which danced prettily with every blow.

I slowly opened my eyes and took in a deep breath.

I couldnt believe what I saw. My brows furrowed together in an atempt to focus my sight since my vision was still blurry.

The moment I gained focus, my eyes widened at the sight of YN sleeping right beside me.

Our hands were interlocked and my other arm was snaked around her waist.

Part of me was ecstatic that this was a situation I was waking up to.....part of me was curious about what led YN to come lay with me. I felt nerves trickle down my spine at the thought of YN willingly coming here to be with me.

"Im going to miss this moment when you wake up" he softly whispered.

He gently used his fingers to move the tiny traces of hair that had fallen on my face during my sleep. He tacked it neatly behind my ears and caressed my face with his index finger.

My nose twitched and he moved his hand away.

She is so beautiful......sleeping here so peacefully.

He continued to study my features.

Thats strange.....I never woke up at any point in time last night..........did I just sleep through the whole night??? Without taking them????? I need them before I sleep........

I opened my eyes and slowly noticed that Hoseok was already awake doing nothing but looking at me.

"Oh you're awake"? I asked him while I rubbed my eyes gently.

"Yes I am........would you like to freshen up before breakfast? The cook already has something prepared".

I nodded.

He got up from bed. "You can use my shower right here, I'll bring you fresh clothes."


After my shower I went downstairs to the kitchen. The table was already set and everything was in its place. Hoseok came down about 5 min later after his own shower.

He had that same sweet scent I came across in class. His hair was still wet but not dripping.

We ate our food in silence. At the end of the meal he asked "How was the food?"

"It was great.....delicious".

I really want to know why you were with me last night but now is not the right time.

"Its Sunday today.....what will you do after you get back to the dorm?"

"Maybe I will do some reading or watch a new piece .....i need to improve my arm movements".

He chuckled. "You are a good dancer, whats there to perfect?"

Before I could answer the doorbell rang.

Jin and namjoon had come over. The butler walked to the table and informed Hoseok. His face went bezerk. He grabbed my hand and rushed upstairs with me.

"Whats going on?"

"My friends are here....they might misunderstand our situation".

"What?.....why are they here to early before I could leave?" Agony crept through my mind.

"Where can I hide?"

"My room....I'll think of something to tell them to make them leave......I promise I wont take long".



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